Tuesday 22 December 2020

Speedy's Annual Christmas and Holiday Countdown day 22!

 Guess what? only 2 more days till Santa flies his sleigh across the sky and 3 more days till Christmas Day! Time has gone so quickly this year hasn't it?

So we really are now going for the final push in my Countdown and you still have time to enter.......

So I need you all to send in your Photo's of you with your trees, in your Christmas outfits, anything to do with the Holiday Season no matter what you Celebrate! Then I will pick my Favourite 3 after my final post on Christmas Day and they will get a little gift for the Holiday in the new year!

So The rules are simple your photos have to be in by 5am on Christmas Morning UK time to be included for the give away!

How Easy is that? I will be doing a post every day right up to the final post on Christmas Day and then I will go over the the photos to Pick my Favourite 3! Isn't that COOL? Email them into me at [email protected]

You can also enter via my Facebook Event here as all photos entered will be posted there too!

Christmas Song anyone?....

Perfect Just what we needed! Now today we have Tilly and Wolfie the 2 new kittens over at Indulged Furries....

Aren't they lucky?Their Mum has made it all Kitten safe....clever mum! Now here's the tree in my Kitchen for you all...
Now Time for the Card Count the Door on the left is mine and I have 8 paper cards and I had 10 ecards...I have now this one from Kozmo, Marv, JoJo, Cinnamon and Aunty Barbs
These to from Colehaus Cats...

So now I have 13 ecards which Brings my total up to 21 Cards! Mum has 17 paper cards and 1 ecard which means she has 18 cards....I'm still 3 in front but this year its a close run thing!

Now be sure to come back tomorrow because we have more to share with you all!

And here is another Card form us!


  1. how super cute is that? we love this photos!!!

  2. Good morning you two! Dearest Rachel and Speedy, may your Christmas be healthy and safe. Our hopes to go to your beautiful country as still alive and positive but may the recent news of a new strain of the virus be yet another challenge for which a remedy can be found. We wish you all the best of health and happiness!

  3. We can't believe we on,y have to wait a few more years!

  4. We see that today you have your Santa hat on properly! Good work, Speedy! And also today you have a wonderful collection of cards.

  5. Thanks for sharing our kitten-safe Christmas decorations. It's hard to believe only three more sleeps until Christmas! Speedy, I wonder if you will stay ahead in the card count. The ecards that people are creating are beautiful.

  6. Merry Christmas to Mr. Big Ears from Miss No Ears.

  7. Lovely photos all and those kittens sure are enjoying their first Christmas!

  8. Those kittens sure got a nifty red Christmas cottage and lots of goodies! Purr purr purr.


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