Friday 17 May 2013

I've Been Steam Punked!By Penelope The Cat from Hell!

This week Nellie from Cat Form Hell and Her Mummy Steam Punked me and I just Love the result!So please pay her a visit and tell her what you think.She's a great friend who I have had fun adventures with.
This week has been an exciting time and I think that this is the carrot on the cake!


  1. Oh Wow! Whee love that! Looks amazing. Our Mummy is dressing up in steampunk for a thing she is going to in a weeks time! How cool is that!

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  2. I have no idea what any of that means but you sound happy so I am happy for you! WOOT WOOT

  3. Hi sweetie!!!!
    Have a nice weekend!!!

  4. Nellie made a great job of steampunking you.

  5. Oh you look so cool Speedy! Love it!

  6. Dearest Speedy,
    Me is so furry happy yous likes how mes steam punked yous!
    And for your furrends who does not know what Steam Punk is, me writed about it here:
    Mes also wants to thanks yous for coming to my Birthday Pawty! Me was so furry surprised and me hadded a great time! Has mes told yous what a great dancer yous is?

    1. Awww thanks Nellie,You are a fabulous Dancer too...such grace,xx Speedy

  7. NAh - you have been Sherlocked!!!!

  8. You look great all steam punked, Speedy! Nellie did a great job!!

  9. Speedy, that is a GREAT picture, but you better not be inhaling! AJ

    1. Of course not Auntie Jane,any how its for blowing bubbles....hehehe,xx Speedy

    2. Please excuse your old Auntie, Speedy. Every once in a while I just get over come by my desire to make sure I am being a good conscientious auntie and I forget that my little Nephew is THE perfect little bunny boy. You keep having a good time with Mum and Dad. Love you, Silly Auntie Jane

    3. Nah I'm not Perfect Auntie Jane I just love have fun and being cheeky but being good at the same time....hehehe...doesn't always work though...hehehe,I am having fun with mummy and daddy,xx Speedy

  10. So being good and cheeky at the same time doesn't always work out? Sounds like you have some stories to share, Speedy. Don't worry, you can trust your Aunties. I am sure we could go 5 minutes without telling the whole world. You and Mummy and Daddy keep having fun! AJ

    1. Awww thanks Auntie Jane,I do try to to do the best I can at being good,Mummy say's I have been very good on holiday,xx Speedy


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