Monday 20 May 2013

Speedy's Sunday!

Here is Speedy enjoying the veranda!


  1. Speedy smells sunshine and freedom. But he is a bit of a spoiled bunn, and knows that Mother Nature offers very few treats and absolutely no mummy snuggles out there in the "woild", so he prefers to keep his parents captivated with his adorable rexxy self. Mother Nature is overrated and freedom is never free.

  2. Oh, hey there Speedy. You're looking mighty dapper, aren't you? I bet the Smoosh would get a kick out of you. ;)


    Jules of Canines & Couture

  3. Mommy just wants to give you a cuddle.

  4. Looking extra cute Speedy! <3

  5. you look to be having fun there, speedy!


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