Saturday 25 May 2013

Speedy's Saturday Fun!

Speedy is having fun today,Happy Saturday everyone!


  1. I think Speedy's fun must have been rated too good for humans. It's okay Little Pal, your Auntie Jane understands. Welcome home and kisses. AJ

    1. its your Ipad it doesn't like flash player by adobe Auntie Jane,try using Fens computer,xx Speedy

  2. Hehe now I see why your name is Speedy! ;) Looks like a nice day to play outside. We are busy working in the garden today.

    1. oh I can go faster than that but I didn't feel like,xx Speedy

  3. I was going to say I can see why you are called Speedy too. I have been making the most of the good weather too. Of course it is going to rain on Monday as it is a Bank Holiday.

  4. Speedy, we think you're so cute!

  5. What a cute little binky you did there. Must be happy for sunshine and being home with your mum and daddy. I love seeing you have fun outside.

    1. Hehehe thanks Auntie Brandi,But I did love being on holiday too!xx Speedy

  6. Great the sun was out so you could go play :) It's nice today xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Iknow I have made the most of the weather as we have rain tomorrow,xx Speedy

  7. oh Speedy! I LOVE your Mama's laugh on that video!

    1. hehehe...hehehe....that's not Mama laughing that's Daddy laughing....hehehehe,xx Speedy

  8. Rachel, why am I the only one who can't see this. I never did anything bad to any computer. And now this is added to previous woes. Hmmmm, I may become a conspiracy theorist. Are the others Aunties trying to keep Speedy to themselves? I wouldn't put it past Brandi. Anyway, I was glad to hear you are laughing. That must mean Speedy and Dad are doing well, too. Welcome, back again. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.

    1. Auntie Jane are you viewing this on you ipad?as apple doesn't support Adobe flash player try it on Fens computer...hehehe that's not mummy laughing....hehehe that's daddy laughing....hehehe,xx Speedy

    2. Speedy, he probably thinks your Auntie Jane is the biggest dope on the planet. Sweetie, don't you go wasting any of your time defending your old auntie. Your Daddy is right and if this gets out Fen is going to be laughing,too.

    3. Speedy, I got to see your wonderful video, and on the big screen, so to speak. What a treat. I have gotten your Mum's e-mails and I really appreciate them. There is one from you about my card. I think my little Nephew is teasing me. Of course I would like to see it, but one thing worries me. I seem to be so lame on computers, I'd like you to be sure that the money actually arrived before I claim my treasure. Fen sent it on the "big" computer, but if anything computerish is in any way associated with me, it may be doomed. I hope whatever he did worked. I decided to tell how much I would love a preview of the card this way, rather than my usual way, since that apparently takes six days! Love you, but make sure Mum doesn't work too hard. AJ

    4. Mummy said to look on her craft blog for your sneaky peek,xxxSpeedy

    5. that is when the photos upload...its on a go slow today

    6. Auntie Jane the sneak peek is ready for you,hope you like it,xx Speedy and Rachel

  9. Oh Speedy, you're so handsome! Looks like you're having a great time out there too

  10. What a romp you had Speedy the sun is energizing force. What height you reached.

    1. hehehe nothing like zooming about having fun!xx Speedy

  11. Speedy, you're just so cute hopping all over!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  12. Stay happy, speedy. You look cute as ever.

  13. Speedy, I love watching you do zoomies :-)

    1. Hehehe its what we do best eh Misaki?xx Speedy

  14. Look at how straight up your ears are! MOL. Love you doing the binky!

  15. Now you sure are one happy hoppy bun bun Speedy!


  16. My gosh that looks like fun. I wanna play, too! purrs

    1. When you are healed up Nissy then you can play,xx Speedy

  17. EEoww Speedy me wuud LUB to come n play wif ya in da garden n do binkiez wif ya!!! Yep me can binkie just like a bunneh!!!! Makez Mum laff n laff ;)
    Have fun me furend...
    Lub Nylablue n Mum SherriEllen xo

    1. Hehehe it would be fun to play with you Nylablue!xx Speedy

  18. And that's why he's called Speedy .....

  19. Looks like a brilliant Saturday!

  20. Speedy we can't get enough of your videos and your . . . speed!!

    By the way, thanks for tagging us. We must still be it since we are so slow around Blogville!

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

    1. Hehehe thanks Katie and Cocco and you're welcome

  21. Speedy we came over form Anns' and stop by to join and say Hi. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Hi Molly thanks for stopping by I joined you to,see ya soon!xx Speedy

  22. So glad Speedy had a fun Saturday. He sure is an active one, unlike my Smoosh. :)


    Jules of Canines & Couture

    1. not all the time he does have his snoozy moments too,xx Rachel

  23. Speedy is so lucky! I can't wait to have a big yard that my buns can explore.

  24. Oh! Wes coulds plays hide and seek! Yous be purrfect!

  25. That does look like fun, Speedy! You've got such a nice yard to play in too :)

    1. It is fun Remy and mummy say's thank you,xx Speedy

  26. I bet you've not been out in your beautiful garden for a couple of days now, what with the dreadful summer weather. Hope you get back into it soon!

    Woofs, Bobby

    1. oh I was out yesterday afternoon,it was fun!xx Speedy

  27. Dear Rachel, The Aunties Syndicate, Speedy's Fan Club, Friends of Cheekiness, Bunnies of the Peerage, Travel Agents for Bunny Adventures, United Hedgehogs, and many other groups wish to register their dismay at your recent remark regarding "another" bunny. Well, it won't do. It won't do. Expect massive protests until a full apology is given and Speedy gets lots of extra snuggles, treats, and, and, well whatever he wants. Perhaps he will need a little hankie with his coat of arms and initials embroidered on it with which to cry his little eyes out. Respectfully, Speedy's Public

    1. Dear Auntie Jane Speedy know's he's NUMBER 1 and my Favourite love above all other buns and above the hubby but I can't help loving all bunnies just a little bit I am only human,Speedy has nothing to cry about he knows that I would do anything for him,so no protesting Jane and be calm,by the way you card is on its way,xx Rachel

  28. Well, I was going to try to be calm. I know Speedy is Number 1 and that, of course, you must love all little bunns. I was going to be calm. But then you told me about my card being on the way...Yahoo, Yeah, Oh Boy! (Does special victory dance that no one is allowed to see). Thank you so much, Rachel!

    P.S. Are you sure Speedy is okay with what you did? What if Brandi finds out? Still got some questions...Hmmmm, no never mind. You are the best bunny Mum and the best artist and the kindest person to devote your time to Leo in this way. I will be on the watch out for the card and be thinking all the time how fortunate I am. Love, A J

    1. Brandi is as guilty as me for loving bunnies remember the white van ladies of whom there's more than one.and like me if we caught someone mistreating bunnies well who knows how we would react and if it was Speedy well that person wouldn't be hide or run fast enough or far enough from don't worry for Speedy.just look out for your card and for a email from Speedy,xx Rachel

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Speedy, I got your e-mail and I am so excited. I don't guess you are the surprise coming with my card, are you? You should tell your Mummy that she would save a lot of money on postage if she would just let her posting be done by Magic Closets, Inc. Anyway, whatever you all did, you shouldn't have. Rachel's beautiful card is itself way too much. This is so exciting. I can hardly wait. I sure hope your Mum hasn't been working too hard. You are supposed to rest after a vacation you know. I have a new dryer now, so I bet we caught up on our laundry at just about the same time. Love and snuggles, AJ

    4. Hehehe I'm excited for you too!xx Speedy

  29. Looks like a beautiful day to play outside!!!
    Enjoy Speedster!!!

    ; ) Katie & Glogirly

    1. And it looks like we are going to get some more nice days,xx Speedy

  30. you are the mostest fun lovin' bunny I know...'course you are the "ONLY" bunny I know..but what the heck!


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