Friday 24 May 2013

I've been Tagged by Bacon at Pig Love!

I've been Tagged By Bacon at pig love this week while I was on Holiday I had to wait till we got home to celebrate and play.
So the rules of the game are:
1:Post these rules-done.
2:Post a Photo of you and tell 11 random facts about your self-Done
3:Answer the 11 questions given by the person/pet that tagged you-Done
4:Create 11 new questions and tag new people/pets to answer them.-Done
5:Go to their blog and let them know they have been tagged!-Done
Here are my 11 random facts:
1:I don't mind travelling on long journeys,Mum said I was very good that I just got comfy and chilled out when we went on Holiday!
2:I love exploring new spaces.
3:I love jumping on and off the couch on holiday!
4:I love going on holiday with mummy and daddy.
5:Mummy and Daddy Spoilt me on Holiday.
6:I love being at home too as I love going up and Down Stairs
7:My other treats I like are plain corn chips and popcorn.
8:I love my mummy cuddles.
9:I love Blogging with all my friends.
10:I tug on people trousers to get attention from them.
11:I never bite but sometimes nibbles.

Questions from Bacon!
1:What was the last movie you watched?
Time cop while on holiday.
2:Whats your favourite game show on television?
Tipping point
3:Small House vs Big House-which do you prefer?
I don't mind as long as I have enough room to have fun and explore!
4:Mountains or Beach which do you prefer?
I'll let mum answer this one as I have no idea!Speedy's mum:I love both but I hate the cold so the beach is the one for me.
5:are you a day person or more of a night person?
A bit of both.
6:Whats your favourite day of the week?
7:Why is that(#6)your favourite day of the week?
Wednesday is the last day mummy works each week so the week end starts then for me!
8:Whats your favourite snack?
Wagg carrot Bakes.
9:What was you favourite show to watch as a teenager?
I'll let mummy answer this one.Speedy's mum:Doctor Who but had Buffy the vampire slayer been on then that would have been my favourite.
10:Do you have chores?
Only one.
11:If so(#10) What kind?
To only make a mess in my play pen!

Here are My Tag Questions:
1:Where is your favourite place in the whole world?
2:Why(#2)is it your favourite place?
3:What is the funniest thing you have ever done?
4:What's your favourite treat?
5:If there was one thing you really wanted to do above all other things what would it be?
6:What is your favourite play thing?
7:What's your favourite colour?
8:Sunshine or Rain which do you prefer?
9:Whats your favourite Plant?
10:If you could have any three course meal what would you have?
11:What is your favourite beverage?

And here are my New Tags:
Hutch a good life
My Mini Pet Pig
My Pawsitively Pets
Savannah's paw tracks
Canines and Couture



  1. Speedy you are such an outgoing bunny! Thanks to your mum for tagging us, will have to get around to answering the questions soon I hope! I used to love Buffy the Vampire Slayer too when I was younger.. I don't remember how old I was then maybe middle school.

    1. hehehe thanks Ann,mummy say Buffy is one of her all time favourites,xx Speedy

  2. Ya done good Speedy!!, Are your paws tired from all that tapping on the keyboard?

    1. Hehehe nah not with these Speedy paws,xx Speedy

  3. I can tell you're a good traveler, Speedy. You have that calm way about you. :)Ru and I want some nibbles and cuddles. :)


    Jules of Canines & Couture

    1. Hehehe I'll give you some...hehehe I love nibbles and cuddles too,xx Speedy

  4. Good answers Speedy. You must be worn out now.

    1. Hehehe a little nap and I'm ready to play,xx Speedy

  5. Veddy, veddy interesting there Speedy! Good work on the new questions too!

  6. Great answers Speedy, you sure live the good life :) Have a wonderful day, hope we have some sun then we can all play outside xx0xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Hehehe I've been playing out side this morning,xx Speedy

  7. Gosh Speedy, you look so stressed out. Maybe you should take rest.

    1. Nah just chilling out from to much playing...hehehe,xx Speedy

  8. "Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you..." Well, it is just really fun, Speedy. Thank you and Rachel for sharing. Your web site is such an adventure. I just tried out the translate option, and I was amazed. Some of the options were great, but I didn't find Bunny, or any dialects of Cottontail, not to mention a complete absence of Secret Speedy Languages. That part was a little disappointing.

    1. Secret Speedy stuff will come all in good time Auntie Jane hehehe just wait and see hehehe,xx Speedy

  9. Wowzers! Me sure learned lots more about yous Speedy! Me enjoyed seeing all your posts about your vacation too! Me LOVES to travel.

    1. Hehehe I love traveling too,its fun!!xx Speedy

  10. Yow Speedy!! me finally got Mum to get over here n view da post about bein TAGGED. We iz now erkin on answerin da questshunz n we gotta figure out who to TAG....We did post about WP Award n Versatile Blogger award n dere iz one of each fer ya if ya don't have dem.
    Sowwy fer all da confushun,,,,,Mum iz tryin to get caught up on all da blogz!! She signed us up fer 2 more on WP...we has almost 40 blogz to read tween WP, Blogger n Blogspot!!! Bare wif us...MOL...
    Phankz again Speedy!
    Lub Nylablue n SherriEllen

    1. Awww thanks Nylablue,don't worry we get busy too...hehehe,xx Speedy

  11. i LOVE THE BEACH TOO! Corn chips and popcorn what a lucky little bun bun you are Speedy! I love your picture with you just chilling out! hehe xoxoxo leah and kirby


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