Monday 20 May 2013

Roll Up Roll UP for Mollies Auction for Leo the cat!

Our Pal Savannah and her human family are taking care of A wonderful cat called Leo but he is poorly and Savvy's family have paying for the vet costs for treating him

Well Our other pal Mollie is holding a charity Auction to help raise some Dollars to help with the vets costs So please everybody please go over to Mollies Auction !!
We have one of our Cards up for Auction the winning bidder will be able to have it customised too!So get on over to the Auction and help poor Leo!!


  1. Thank you Speedy for popping this up :) Hugs xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. Heading over to check it out now!

  3. Speedy, you are such a sweetie for helping dear Leo.

  4. Good luck to this kitteh and I hope the auction is big fat success! It warms my heart when a person gives of their time, home, finances, and love so that even one animal gets a chance at a quality life.
    Have y'all ever noticed it is usually the people who can afford it the least who end up giving the most? These people make me proud of the human heart, and give me faith in human kindness.

    1. We totally agree with you Brandi,it gives us a bit more faith too!xx Rachel

  5. That's so nice of you to spread the word!

  6. Sorry I've only just popped by but thanks so much for helping with the auction xxx


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