Monday 2 February 2015

Blogville Police Academy Day 1

Blogville Police Academy Welcome Speech
This is so exciting we had a Special welcome speech from the Commissioner Sarge before we started a long day of studying. To See the Full Speech Click here:Welcome to Blogville Police Academy Speech

                                       Training Day 1 with Top Cop Sidebites : Introductions
We have had Our Orientation learning the Chain of command ,where the Police station is and the Jailhouse and Fire,Ambulance House is too,to see More of this Click here: Officer School!

                                                 Here are my Class Mates!
                                                         The Recruits!

Then we received our Schedule for the Police Academy  From Deputy Top Cop Ranger
To see more of our first day click Here Day 1: Police Academy Schedule

Day 1:
Officer Tools and Weapons Training With Deputy Top Cop Ranger
Skills Drills with Deputy Top Cop Ranger
Day 2:
Security Work & patrols with Officer Sully
Driving Techniques with Officer Sully
Skills Drills with Officer Sully and Deputy Top Cop Ranger
Day 3:
Tracking with Trackers Bentley and Pierre
Paper Work & Activity Reports with Officer Hailey (Office Manager)
Jail Training with Lead Jailer Hailey
Skills Training with Lead Jailer Hailey and DTC Ranger
Day 4:
Detective work with Detective Zaphod
Skills Training With Detective Zaphod and DTC Ranger
Most Wanted List with Top Cop Sidebites
Day 5: Testing,Graduation & Party:
Written and Verbal Test with Top Cop Sidebites
Field Testing with DTC Ranger
Graduation with Commissioner Sarge
Assignments and Duties Top Cop Sidebites
Pawty (Officer Ruby)
                                                    Station Conference Room
We even had Doughnuts and Coffee on our first day,we have so much to learn but I'm ready for it!

Don't forget to come back Tomorrow cause even though I have Police Academy classes I'm still having my 3rd Gotcha Day Party!


  1. Looking forward to it Speedy. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. OMB OMR Speedy you look REALLY handsome and totally OFFICIAL in your Pawlice UNI... It was a grand beginning to what is going to be a very EDUCATIONAL and EXCITING WEEK...

  3. This is such an exciting week. We have our class ready and can't wait to see your smiling face. Load up on the poopie pellets for us!

  4. Now you can make arrests and have a real gotcha day.

  5. Awesome report Speedy, your first offical report, congrats Ranger Speedy

    Da Sus And Top Cop Bites

  6. Great job Speedy. Good luck with your training.

  7. Gosh, you have a big class. VERY exciting, for sure. Ummm.. I have to ask. Any of those doughnuts nip flavoured? Just wonderin', that's all...


  8. Ya did a good job today, Speedy.
    Officer Ranger, DTC

  9. Its all very exciting, this pup is learning so much about donuts and coffee breaks. I'm hoping to bring this tradition home to our house!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  10. Mousess Speedy you bee carefull out there!!! It'ss a jungull ;)
    Good luck mee furend....
    Luv Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxxxxxx

  11. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, this week is going to be sooooo busy! Excellent work today.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  12. Oh, how CUTE IS THIS! OK Speedy, I will be back tomorrow to see what you are up to!

  13. Arty was all excited when he got home today...I wish they would have made them leave the water pistols at the station tho....
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  14. This must be the best class that will ever graduate from the academy! Happy GOTCHA Day!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Speedy you all look so official! How very very exciting! So proud of you and everyone who is taking the time!

  16. Speedy - I thought you were sort of a free-spirited "trouble maker", not a police officer.

  17. That is a good looking class of recruits. I would've thought coffee and donuts were lesson #1...

    Love and licks,

  18. We're very impressed, Speedy ! It's exciting ! Purrs

  19. OMD there'z my hansome Ranger. What'z a super line up'z. We are catching up'z az wez mizzed so much. xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  20. I never thought that it can be so interesting and so funny to join the pawlice! That's much better than to be a criminal (amen. said my momma) hehehe
    Easy Rider

  21. Now this is cool!! I've often dreamed of working with mom and being in vice working as a pig sniffing oinker. I could so do it!! XOXO - Bacon

  22. WOW So much going on!!!! Love it!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  23. Speedy, Inquiring minds want to know: How come their are no kitties on the police force? This appears to be discrimination to us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  24. You make a fine policebunny and I look forward to your party Speedy!

  25. Thank you for all of your hard work in training this great staff. Blogville is a safe place to live. Thank you for your service

    Loveys Chef Sasha


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