Saturday 7 February 2015

Ranger Speedy!

Say hello to the new English Ranger,this is my new post after graduating from Blogville Police Academy,I am on Special assignment under New Scotland Yard and I'll be keeping the gardens and fields safe from Rodents,as well as the moors and of course I'll make sure that the cabbages and other veggies are kept safe too.Here's my Badge and Cap:

But most of the time I'll be undercover so I won't be wearing the cap and my badge will be tucked away out of site.
Like I am in my videos patrolling these fields!

I want to thank TC Sidebites,DTC Ranger,Officers Sully,Hailey,Zaphod,Bentley,Pierre and Ruby,and Commissioner Sarge and Chef Sasha(for keeping us in doughnuts) without you ,we wouldn't have been able to complete the Police Academy Training!


  1. OMR! That is might IMPRESSIVE field work Speedy!!! I thinks I could learn a thingie or two from you! Hey, can you carry a margarita, um, I MEAN water gun in your holster??? ☺
    Ruby ♥

  2. You take that job pretty seriously
    Lily & Edward

  3. We love the sweeping and hopping maneuvers that you are employing. Be safe among the moors. ☺

  4. I'd watch it there. Until a little over 100 years ago, those (can't trust them) peeps classified rabbits as rodents.

  5. Wow Speedy, you were really racing around in that field - I bet you wore your human out!

  6. RANGER SPEEDY! Oh my little one, you are the perfect undercover ranger. You keep a keen eye on all the vegetation and populace, while moseying along as if nothing is being watched. You little sweater is precious! Congrates to all!

  7. Coucou Speedy,
    You really have an impressive look with your cap.
    Good luck for your new and important job !

  8. Wow ConCats Speedy. Luv dat big ole field. Hav a pawsum weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  9. HELLO THERE English Ranger Speedy... We are really glad that THIS is your posting... and not in London... then we would have to call you Bobby Speedy and that just would NOT be right... WE LIKE English Ranger Speedy...

    OMB E.R. Speedy.... look at the SIZE of the Territory you have been charged with Patrolling ...!!! It is HUGE...
    WE don't know how you will get it all done!!!

  10. Looks like your fields are in good hands, er paws!

  11. Nothing will get by you - zipping all over in your little outfit, S. You'll be quick to spot and handle any trouble.

    Love and licks,

  12. Mee-you Ranger Speedy you sure look furabuluss inn your cap an badge!! Mee knowss you will bee thee bESTEST ranger efurr!!!
    Well dun mee furend well dun :)
    **nose bumpss** Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxxx

  13. Wow, Speedy! You'll make a great ranger, to keep the countryside in order.

    And you have trained your hoomin well, to follow where you lead her, while you go about your duties as Bunny Ranger Speedy! She seems to follow where you lead her!

    Go, Speedy!!! <3

  14. Well hello Ranger Speedy! Lookin good!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. Speedy....Ahhhhhhhh Ranger Speedy, you were one on the best Trainees we have ever had...and your already on the job, Wow nose to the ground, then checking the surroundings FINE JOB, have some donuts on me.

    Top Cop Bites

  16. Congratulations on becoming a Ranger. All the rodents are sure to stay away when you're on patrol.

  17. Speedy you do a great job on patrol I am sure....I may need you one day in my veggie garden! just in case my scarecrow twerker fails at his job :) love me some Speedy videos :) loves Fozziemum xxx

  18. We're very impressed, Speedy, you do a great job ! Purrs

  19. Oh Speedy, you sure lived up to your name. I luffs your new hat but I guess you haf to hide it in your undercover works, shame though 'cos you looks really greats wearing it
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  20. Bravo to you Ranger Speedy and well done to all. Applaws, applaws. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  21. The Moors will be safe now and how adorable you look in your knitted jumper. <3

  22. Congratulations new Ranger Speedy!!!!! You all did quite wonderfully well in your classes and now that you're all trained you can help protect the rest of us in Blogville!!!! YAY!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  23. The fields will be safe with you on patrol, Speedy. <3

  24. WTG Speedy....are you on the 'bunny trail' ? MOL MOL pardon my human she thinks she is funny
    Hugs madi your bfff

  25. Conbunnylations Ranger Speedy, now I can visit your country, because I now you are there to protect me from the ghosts and the ponys :o)
    Easy rider

  26. Congrats Speedy. Very awesome.
    Sue B

  27. You will be such a great Ranger and we're very proud of you Speedy!

  28. CONCATS Ranger Speedy!!!!!! Love your videos :)

  29. Well done Speedy!


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