Friday 27 February 2015

Shopping Around Over The World

We decided we would join in Fozziemum and Bacon's Shopping Around The World
Random Condiment of our Choice:Knorr Aromatic Seasoning 98p
Random Frozen Meal of our Choice:Morrisons Chicken and Mushroom Chow Mein £1.50
Random Desert/something sweet of our Choice:Morrisons Signature Madagascan Vanilla New York Cheese Cake (This is as close as I can get to my Step mum's homemade New York Cheese Cake) £3.99
Random Fruit of our Choice: Morrisons Braeburn Apples and Morrisons Conference Pears 2 for £1.50

Random Item of our Choice:Simply Nibbles Salad £1.99 for Speedy

Now we wanted to show you what Mummy has been working on its a Tote Bag Hand painted with Fabric Paint Not printed any way she is in the process of Painting a few more so each bag will have a slight variation due to being Painted by Hand ,when they are ready they will go on to my shop.

She is working on some other stuff to but I just wanted to give you a sneaky preview!


  1. Now we feel hungry. Love the tote bag. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. What time will SUPPER be READY? We want to be there EARLY to smell the Smells... beclaws we can tell your mum is gonna be cookering up some grand stuffs with these thingys.
    OMD what a super day fur showing us the Shopping Bag... that is GRRRREAt. And each one will be slightly different and quite unique.

  3. Great shopping Speedy and I'm hungry now too!

  4. Hang on a minute Speedy, I'm on my way to help you out with the cheesecake…yum,yum!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. What are you going to do with your shopping Speedy ? This sound really strange !

  6. We think those prices are much cheaper than ours
    Lily & Edward

  7. gots Dad hungry....he would eat it all (well not your salad stuffs, Barharhar.......great tote bag there Speedy!

    The Mad Scots

  8. I think that the bag is too big for Speedy to handle.

  9. Oh Wow!
    What a bag! That would be purrfect for shopping! Mes sure everyone want one!

  10. Cheescake..oh yum Speedy! i make a great New York cheesecake with a recipe from Lindy's in New York where it came from..delish..and love the bag..i have been looking at printing some with roos ! thanks for joining Bacon and i on your shopping trip..cheescake..mmmm loves Fozziemum xx

  11. Aww Speedy, your tote bag is awesome! ☺

  12. Speedy your Mum did a wonderful job on that tote bag! We like the looks of your shopping items too especially the pawsome CHEESECAKE!

    Hugs, sammy

  13. SPEEDY THE WORLD SHOPPER! Good morning to ya, mate! You and mummy have been on a shopping spree, and I see that you are featuring some of my favorite items...especially those Braeburn apples!

    OK......that bag...MUMMY IS TALENTED! She has captured your likeness to a T and they are truly wonderful. I bet mum is having a load of fun doing this, isn't she little pirate? darling.

  14. I'm a big fan of Knorr Aromatic, I used it for nearly all things I ate as I was a child. We even used it for our tea, but that was not the real mc coy. YAY for Knorr, hope it's available furever&ever :o)
    easy rider

  15. Awww Mommy's new tote bag is so cute. Now who does that bunny remind us of???? You are adorable Speedy - in real life and in pictures.

  16. Mee-you Speedy all LadyMum herd was 'cheezecake' an shee kind of went all faintee!! Mew mew mew......silly LadyMum.....
    Say that tote bag with YOU on it iss pawsum!!! Totallee an utterlee pawsum! Lady Rachel is so-o talented.....
    ***nose kissess*** an LUV Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxxxxxx

  17. Neat how much things cost around the word. Love the bag.

  18. That tote bag is wonderful. <3

  19. The Tote Bag Hand painted by Rachel is awesome...
    BTW, Rachel: you should organize a giveaway soon!... ✽✿✽ Love and happy day. Aquileana ✽✿✽


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