Friday 6 February 2015

Congratulations Class of 2015!We did it!

Congratulation Class of 2015 We Did it!

                         Yippee We've Graduated!

Now its off to Ruby's Doughnut Party!

Now lets have a After Party at my pub!

The Beers,coffee,cocktails are on me!

                             Time for a boogie!


  1. Man, you are a donut krazy Rabbit...and now and after pawty with donuts....well I am all up for the pup after this week, and I am bringing Susie also! Big Congrats Ranger Speedy.

    Top Cop Bites

  2. Congratulations Speedy and every buddys
    Lily & Edward

  3. Congratulations OFFICER Speedy !!! We hear that you will be working with Scotland Yard... THAT is very exciting news...
    LOVED all the Videos and the Music... BRAVO to you !! and to ALL the New Officers.

  4. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, congrats on your graduation! OMD your drinkies look delish and I'd like one with a little umbrella in it, please.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  5. Wow, congrats on graduating Speedy! Your drinkies look delish and I'd like to try one with a little umbrella in it, please. :)
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  6. Congratulations! The criminals of the underblog are doomed !

  7. Concatulations! Bravo! *girls stand and applaud*
    Lola and Lexy

  8. Mee-you conkatss to you an all the gradss Speedy!!! Did you no-tice yur thee ONLEE Bunnie there??? HHMMM y maybee yur an Undercovrurr bunnie ;)
    Mee will have a nommie doe-nut with sprinkless an a wee bit off Snoopy coffee...then let'ss go dance our pawss off to "HAPPY"~~ thiss iss a grate song an mee ISS so happy fur you!!!
    **paw kissess** an ~~head rubss~~
    Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxxxxx

  9. Good job, Speedy! Don't overdo it on the donuts!

  10. The tough life has just started for all of you grads.

  11. Well done Officer Speedy! I will have a robber shaped bickie.Yum.

  12. Bravo to all and we applaws you on your valiant efforts. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  13. Well done graduates!! bravo and apaws!! and wow what a party you throw Speedy ! so proud of you all :) and we all feel so much safer now too! loves Fozziemum xxx

  14. WOW! What a PARTY! And with my favorite song at the end: HAPPY!

    Congratulations all of you! You make a great department and I'm sure you will have a lot on your paws these safe, HAVE FUN! Oh Speedy, you look so cute...

  15. Congratulations to all the recruits. Good job everyone!

  16. Wow a policeforce which we can trust .... I think LOL :)

  17. Congratulations! Yous is going to make a wonderful officer!

  18. WELL DONE SPEEDY!!! OMR, am I too late??? That's okay, I don't mind leftovers!!!! Hey donuts and cookies and beers are better the next day anyhu, right?! BOL!!!!
    Oh, these are DELISH!!! Thanks Speedy!!! And CONGRATS!
    Ruby ♥


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