Friday 13 February 2015

I have an idea.....

Come Gather round I have an idea to discuss with you all.Wednesday is Disapproving Bunday and Sundays is selfie day with the Cat on My Head and Yesterday I did a Movie Day,the idea is should I do movie day every Thursday?And would you all like to be featured on movie day too?So if you do want to be featured you need to email me a link to your Youtube video so I can post it with one of mine.So let me know in the comments what you think of my Movie day idea!

And as Tomorrow is Valentines Day,and tomorrow is my Big Valentines date with Queen Nellie I thought I would Give you My Valentines Day Card Now,So I wish you all a Happy Valentines Day!


  1. We think movie day is a great idea!

    Noodle and crew

  2. Enjoy your date with Nellie, Speedy :) Heartshaped Pawkisses for a Wonderful Valentine’s Weekend :) <3

  3. Mes LOVES Movies! And Speedy...Happy Valentines Day!

  4. We don't do videos.... butt we would love to see YOURS and from our furends also.
    Should we bring Poppy Corns???

  5. WE wanted to tell YOU Happy HAPPY Valentine's Day...

  6. dood...we thinkz mewvie day wood bee awesum !!! enjoys yur date with nellie, we noe ewe both will haza lotz oh FUN !!

    happee heartz day oh love two everee one N heerz two a topminnow & trumpetfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  7. I never made a YouTube movie, but I love to see yours. So yes, I think Movie Wednesday is a brilliant idea. Have a lovely Valentine's Day.

  8. Yes we like to see you in movies
    Lily & Edward

  9. I luffs your videos!!!!
    Butt, Mum's even more rubbish at them than she is a photographs and thats saying sum finks!
    Happy Valentine's Day Speedy!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  10. Yes to movie day! Hope your date with Nellie is perfect!

  11. Think it's a great idea....will we have to work very hard on the peeps to get a movie made...but don't count on it!

    The Mad Scots
    Pees: Have a wonderful Valentines day Speedy & Peeps

  12. You and Queen Nellie are purrfect Speedy! We like the movie day too!

  13. Love movie day. I can't do videos either but; would love to see yours or others.
    Sue B

  14. Happy Valentine's Day, Speedy!

  15. What a cute Valentine's Day card. I hope you have a fantastic date with Nellie.
    Movie day sounds like a fun idea.

  16. I love your movies Speedy! That is a great photo too.

  17. Great idea Speedy...we have been having trouble uploading in youtube and so directly do it to our blog now..urfghhh not my year for tech stuff! :) loves Fozziemum xx

  18. Oh, I DID MISS THIS! OK, I do believe that would be a fabulous idea to have Speedy at the Movies....I want MORE! And look at this darling heart, with YOU in the middle. Lovely little boy, I LOVE YOU!

  19. great! so thursday we could go to the movies at Captain Speedy :o) have a wonderful valentines day!!!!
    easy rider

  20. Fankss fur thee luvely Valentine eCard sweet Speedy an Lady Rachel~
    Wee finkss a movie dat wood bee cool.
    LadyMum managed to get a video of mee butt shee still hass to werk out the hole Youtube fing....(do not hold thee breath, mew mew mew..) Wee wood LUV to see videoss....
    **nose bumpss** Siddhartha Henry

  21. What a great Valentine's Day card Speedy :)

  22. Love your card, Speedy!! We took a vote and I decided that movie day would be a great idea :)

  23. I think that is a fab idea Speedy!
    Hope you had a wonderful V Day!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  24. Speedy you are one lucky rabbit as that Nellie is one great girl!
    Purrs Buddy and Happy Valentines


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