Thursday 27 December 2018

Christmas Day Movie Day!

Well you have been waiting for this my very own Christmas Movies so get comfy with some snacks and enjoy the Show!

First thing I played with Mummy....

Then after lunch I went out for my adventure....

Then after our dinner it was present time....

Then mummy thought a christmas house video....

And now for the Mini Movies...

And there you have it my Christmas....oh I almost forgot Look who stopped by my house!


  1. wow Speedy!! My favorites were you opening your presents and your adventure in your gorgeous countryside! Love seeing your little butt jumping around! xoxo

  2. Wow, Speedy, it looks like you had a wonderful Christmas ! What an amazing visitor ! Purrs

  3. Wow, you had quite a Christmas, Speedy! What fun!

  4. Those were fun Speedy, we always enjoy your adventures!

  5. Thanks for all the Holiday cheer for so many days - Speedy is one big camera ham!!!!

  6. Now THAT, was a joy to watch and listen to! Speedy dearest, your daddy and mummy love you so and what fun it is to watch you all enjoy the fun of opening your gifts. I love that you can eat some of your boxes! I wish you all many wondrous years together my friends!

  7. Speedy, we loved seeing your Christmas adventures! You certainly had fun, huh? And your visitor ... WOW!!!


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