Saturday 1 December 2018

Let the Christmas and Holiday Countdown Begin!

It's time again For my Christmas and Holiday Countdown.Everyday there will be a Christmas and Holiday post and I want you to join in the fun by sending in your photos of your furry friends with your Christmas trees and decorations,Your Menorahs and any other Holiday that is happening.You can even wear your Christmas costume and Hats or holiday wear.You need to send them in to my mum at [email protected] or you can post them straight here at Speedy's Annual Christmas and Holiday Countdown Facebook Event .You know the drill by now because those of you that send in your photos will be entered into my giveaway where my favourite 3 entries will get a gift sent out after the Holidays to keep the Holiday Cheer going a bit longer!So make sure you join in!!!!!

Now let's get on with the first official post of my Countdown!The end of last week Mummy took us all away to a lovely little cottage in Dorset and of couse she brought a little bit of Christmas with us.....

But while we were there mummy and daddy was invited to a Christmas Fair for the local church and well she brought this Tea light too....
It just needs a tea light candle to make light up!She also went to Borrington Court and saw this Tree....
They hadn't finished the rest of the house yet but she thought you would like this one!And of course you need some photos of me chilling in my Holiday pad....

And these were my cute neighbours right next to the cottage who I got to see most days....

 They were cute cause they were only babies and across the road was this fellow too!
Mummy went here too....

Now Don't forget Tomorrow will be Day 2 of My Countdown so see you all then!


  1. That looks too little to be Stonehenge. Am I correct?

  2. Tis the season and a fun adventure too Speedy, love it!

  3. So pretty. Enjoy your week.
    Sue B

  4. Charlee: "Ooooh, look at all those dangly decoration thingies!"
    Chaplin: "No wonder everyone looks forward to Christmas every year!"


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