Friday 19 October 2012

Guess who?

Can you guess who this is?

Hmmm I wonder?
I'm not sure are you?


  1. Is it the Abominable Snow Bunny who needs a smooch on the nose button?

    1. hehehe...smooch on the nose button is always good...hehehexx

  2. He looks a little doggy, I think. And maybe a little yarny, too? purrs

  3. Oh that's that cute bunny called Speedy..BOL. Well, guess what I might be getting if they don't cost a paw ????????????? xxx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  4. That's Mr Velvety Nosey waiting for a nose kissy!

  5. Hmmmmmmmm, I'm pretty sure it's not me!

  6. Although, he is a Master of Disguise, until he pulls the blankie completely over his head or Dad wraps him up like an Egyptian mummy in a scarf human Mum knitted, we will always recognize Super Bun and Reknowned Sleuth and Closet Traveller, Sir Speedy of Cheekiness. He is so cute. I want to give him a smooch, but it wouldn't be seemly.

    1. Smooch away Sir Speedy of Cheekiness love's smoochess

  7. ahahahahahahaha!!!!!

    I never noticed his dulap before! How could that be! Man, he's handsome in extreme closeups, he's ready for the camera, Mr. Deville.

    1. he's aways had a dulap,but he is a handsome fellow

  8. Andy Panda? No - wait - I HAVE it! It is Racer in a reverse negative photograph!!!

  9. Aww that's sweet Speedy! Give him a kiss for us!
    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  10. I dunno, but that nose certainly looks like it needs some smooching. ;)

    1. smooch away ,he's had aload this morning with his cuddle

  11. Its obviously the master of the universe!

  12. My vet told me all rabbits have dewlaps, just in various sizes. My Jersey Woolly has one but all his floof covers it up.
    My lop girl baby Minnie has a BIG dewlap. She is a thick gal. My husband and son call her Fatty Boom Boom, they say that is her "stripper" name. THey give everyone stripper names. It's embarrassing.

    1. just don't tell her then she won't know and you have been try to slim her up so it will shrink a bit,then give the boys a stripper name too that will even things up,boys can't live with them can't live with out them..hehe

    2. Only girls get stripper names. The boys get porn star names. And there is a formula, very scientific (rolling my eyes), they use if a name is not obvious or does not come to mind easily.

  13. Look at that cute nose!!!
    ; ) Katie

    1. I know and how lucky am I?I get to see that everyday

  14. Oh, Sir Speedy of Cheekiness, Your sweet little face sure does cheer me up. I hope the weather is better and that all goes well. Do you know what your Mama said? Hmmm, I didn't think so. Well, she said you liked smooches! Can you believe it? And over the airways! Uh, if it happened to be true, well, uh, I feel sure there is an exit portal from the magic closet somewhere here. Otherwise, I am thinking you a smooch. Please don't be too mad.

    1. Hehehe*giggles Speedy* smooches cuddles snuggles nose rubs,I love them all cause the tickle my little whiskers..Hehehe*more giggles*xx Speedy

  15. That is definitely a Californian bunneh nose!!!!!!! QUICK! KISS IT!


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