Tuesday 23 October 2012

I've had something special!

I've had something special from a new friend.Coccolino a very sweet Micro mini pig has given me a new award called the Super Sweet Blogging Award!Coccolino is a very special pig who likes to have fun and adventures,getting into mischief just like me!So please pop over and say hi to Coccolino at my mini pet pig.
The award comes with some fun questions for me to answer!
1: Cookies or cake? Peanut cookies yummy!
2: Chocolate or Vanilla? I haven't tried either but I'll take Vanilla as Chocolate is bad for me
3:Favourite sweet treat? Raisins or Cranberries I can't decide which...hehe
4: When do you crave sweet things?Mornings but anytime will do!
5: If you had a sweet nick name,what would it be? Well that hard as I have 2 that my friends call me 1 is Sir Speedy and the other 1 is Speedster I can't choose!

Now for the Hard bit as all my friends deserve this,but I will try my very best!
Marilia at Repositorio da Marilia
Brandi B at Voices for Rabbits
Lalis at Lalis (&Nader) in Bunderland
Sweetie at Fairy Castle Farm
Nerissa at Nerissas Life
Jade and Mr Mick at Zen of Bun
Umbra at Blabber bun
All the Buns at Two Bunny Blog
Connie atTails from the foster kitten
Clovie at Clovie Boy



    wait....OMG I WANT THOSE CUPCAKES!!!!!....wait.....OMG I WANT THAT SPEEDY!!!!!!!!
    These are all reasonable requests, I feel.

    1. all very reasonable requests,I'll talk to santa!

  2. Sir Speedy!!!!!! Congratz on the sweet award!!!
    We love learning more about you....and your friend Coccolino is a doll!
    ; ) Katie

  3. Hell yeah, muther truckers! I not only found my camera and posted pics of my Calendar Girl Buxom Beauty Bunny Minnie the Not So Skinny Lop, but I get a freakin' award, too!!!
    I am gonna make some sugar cookies shaped like ghosts, pumpkins and black cats having a hissy fit to celebrate!
    Grassy Ass, Speedy!!! (that's gracias in Rabbit-speak, you know, cuz rabbits love grass and if you hurt their feelings they show you their ass... or arse in The Queen's English)

  4. Oh Speedy... THANKS SO MUCH! I love this award!!! And I've got the 'purrfect' post in mind for my official acceptance... Sunday November 4th, I believe. Can't wait. Again... THANK YOU! purrs

  5. Oh my!!!! Thanks Mr Speedy!!!!
    I´m very grateful!
    Kisses and hugs!

  6. Thanks, Speedy! I will pass this along to Mr. Mick, as he loves awards and such.

  7. Congrats Speedy! We all thing you are very sweet, sweet, sweet!

  8. I feel so honored to be listed among all those buns! thank you so much, and congrats on your award!

    1. well you kittys are sweety and what you do for them is wonderful

  9. Well'z Speedy, youz so sweet, it'z just the right award for youz :) I need'z ya in my hallooweeen competiton, youz can win a weal prize..Humom or Hudad can photoshop it :) Wez not got any cute bunnie'z xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. Sir Speedy, Another award! I had a good time visiting those sites. Thanks!

  11. Awwww Coccolino!!!!! I just want to scratch his head!!!!!

  12. Aww, thanks Speedy!! Coccolino is enjoying all this love as much as those cupcakes (ah, well, almost, he IS a pig!).

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

    1. Coccolino is adorable too,and deserves the love too,xxSpeedy and Mum

  13. Sir Speedy of Cheekiness, how are your markings doing? You are always beautiful to us, inside and outside, but I was just wondering. There is a bunny over at DR who has no markings and this bunny's name is also Lucky. Maybe you should hop in the magic closet and tell Lucky about your Lucky Hogwartz and that it doesn't matter so much about markings. They come and go, but you know what is important.

    P.S. I sure am glad you and your family gave LH a good last name. Things can get complicated if your first name is Lucky, but I guess it is good that there are so many "Luckys" out there because of kind families like yours and others. Tell your Dad thanks again for being one of the first we know of to bless and help little LH on his way.

    1. markings have stopped going darker for a minute but that might change as going colder tonight and I will tell dad.xx Speedy

    2. That is quite a coincidence Sir Speedy. We are going to have a cold front move through here tonight sometime around midnight. It is in the high 80's, maybe even 90 now, but after the cold front it will be in the 50's. I hate to ask Speedy, but you didn't perhaps forget to close a magic closet door did you? It's okay. You just snuggle up and stay warm.

    3. I checked the door its closed,we are having an Arctic blast from scandinavia...brrrr....its going to be zero Celsius to night where I am but scotland is colder with snow showers minus 5....brrrr...me I'm going to stay inside and snuggle with mum and dad,xx Speedy

    4. Sounds like a very, very good idea, Little Buddy. I saw you on the kitty's website. You sure looked cute, but you always do. Stay warm, keep snuggling!

      P.S. I never really thought you left any doors open. Oh, and don't be frightened by Brandi's poems. She does not want you to be afraid. She wants you to laugh. So do the bunns and people at DR. If you have found it in your heart to forgive the cat who was mean to you, you might talk to Brandi about the way she treats her cat. Sorry, I don't know why I expect you to solve all the world's problems, but I keep asking because you are some bunn!

    5. I didn't need to do anything she know's and she has done a new post you should go see it,and I know she love's her kitty so don't worry, mum still gets a bit cross about the naughty cat that I had my tussel with as she shooed him off from the next door neighbours garden,but she know a cat will be a cat if it doesn't live with other types of animals.Mum told me when she had her first bun Caramel she had a cat called smokey too and a dog called Boots and the got on well together,she still likes cats,then again mum loves all animals

  14. Very cute. Oh, I should say sweet! Congratulations.

  15. Somebunny loves you Speedy! Hehe :) Enjoy those tasty cupcakes!

  16. Thanks for the help with my blog award, Rach!! I got it posted. I also made a bunch of changes to my blog, so CHECK IT OUT!
    I put up my baby boy's gorgeous mugshot!

  17. Aww, Speedy! You keep making my buns so happy! Thank you! I will get to it soon.

  18. Dear Speedy!
    Concatulations! Me thinks yous is the sweetest! especially after the fish dinner your Mommy served me! |Thanks for letting me visit, me hopes yous don't mind that me posted a picture of us on my blog.

    1. Glad you could come Nellie it was fun!hehe kisses Speedy

  19. By the way Speedy, thank you so much for this award!! :D

    1. you guy are very welcome love your new friend Maisey,xxSpeedy


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