Saturday 27 October 2012

Speedy's busy week

"Mummy its been busy this week hasn't it?"Said Speedy "yes it has you've been able to come out side and play, you won that lovely award,you've entered that Halloween competition,Oh and your friend Nellie has been for a visit plus I've been busy painting the back bedroom but that's not finished yet."Speedy then replied "Phew that's a lot plus you've had me and lucky Hogwartz and daddy to take care of.Its shame LH wasn't awake when Nellie was here,still we had fun playing and she enjoyed he fish dinner that you made for her"I then said"Yes Nellie did enjoy her dinner,I do like her she's a good girl even if she's a Cat From Hell " Speedy then mentioned"And poor Allred  Nellie must be very worried with that nasty wound on his head,We if she needs any help she only has to give me a shout and I can be there in a jiffy" with that I looked at Speedy a little bit worried "Well you be careful I don't want to be taking you to the vets again, now off you go have a little run around this weather will soon be cold" Speedy replied as he went off "O.K Mum!"

Speedy and Me
Nellie and me Having fun!

Speedy Talking to me!
Speedy enjoying some warmer weather"

Speedy thinking of going for a zoom!
Thanks mum for letting Nellie come for a visit,Can we go in now ?I want a cuddle mummy!
"come on then Speedy let go in and have a cuddle!"


  1. Phew, you did have a busy day, SR. You need a good cuddle to end the day and have sweet dreams. You and Nellie look to a be a well-matched pair! With those markings, you could be distantly related back in the prehistoric times. TeeHee!!

  2. What a beautiful bunny and what a purrfect host he is. I hope Mum did not need that talking to too badly. It's tough but sometimes we have to be clear and direct with our loved ones. Was it about the color of the back bedroom? Being too tired to give appropriate snuggles? Oh, well, it was just a smidgen of an otherwise wonderful week. You sure are the bunn, Sir Speedy of Cheekiness. Thank you for these wonderful pictures.

    1. Oh no I have only been doing the decorating in the mornings when Speedy is snoozing in his pen,then its lunch time after that its all about Speedy and the picture of Speedy talking is the written narative above the picture's and he gets his snuggle every morning in bed while its still dark so he can get cosey and snoozy with me until he wants to go back to his pen,don't worry he's had lots of play time and cuddles*a mortified mum*

  3. It was Fab Nellie came to see you :) You have been busy, a nice play and cuddle is in order :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Oh I have had lots of cuddles,lots of play time and Nellie coming round was fun,xx Speedy

  4. That was sooo nice that Nellie came to visit!!! That Nellie gets around! We love her!

  5. You have had a super busy week. So nice of Nellie to visit. Bet you all had a blast! purrs

  6. You sure did have a busy week sweet friend!

  7. What a fun week you had!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  8. Did you keep that cat in its place? The guys here keep Kitty Boy on the straight and narrow.

    1. Nah Nellie's my pal...hehehe...she wouldn't take any notice being that she's "a cat from hell",but She's great fun!xx Speedy

  9. Bunny zoomies BOL!!! Let's all do zoomies, then we can have some nommers! Stay warm little mates!

    RA, Isis & Nanük

  10. Wow Speedy! You must be exhausted after all those fun adventures! And playing with Nellie - that is so cool!

    1. Oh yes she is one cool cat!I love having fun,but it does get me tuckered out!xx Speedy


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