Tuesday 16 October 2012

Here is Lucky Hogwartz!

I could only manage this photo of LH sleeping as I don't want to disturb him to much,we put foam insulation around the shelter to give him extra warmth and to stop the rain coming in the entrance we have over hanged a bit on the roof too!

Luck Hogwartz sleeping
I have found out that LH used to visit a house down the street where they feed a lot of hedgehogs and they called him Panda but since he's been with us they haven't seen him but they are happy to leave him here nice and safe he is about 4 years old as for the name I shall stick with LH.

His insulated Shelter
And Speedy coming for a nose
And there is Speedy and look his ears are going darker for the winter!


  1. Hmmm... I don't think we have hedgehogs here in Canada. We've got raccoons though. Do you know any raccoons? purrs

  2. That is one lucky critter fur sure!!!

  3. Raccoons freak me out. They have HANDS! DO you have raccoons in UK? What about porcupines? Beavers? Otters?
    I can't make any sense of LH's set up there. Speedy is so nosey and cute!!!

    1. No Raccons,Porcupines or Beavers here in the uk accept at a zoo maybe but Otters we have.And I'll see if I can explain LH's set up in the first photo he is the dark patch in the middle of the hay,I had to move part of his nest to take the photo and boy did he get grumpy his and growled as I did after woulds I had to put it back as close to what it was,but he has move it all as I didn't do a good enough job so I'm not going to disturb him again apart from putting his food dish in the tunnel that he has now made.in the second photo it shows the shelter with foam insulation place around the out side of the shelter for extra warmth,does that help?rach

  4. Loving you Speedy! Nosebonks my friend!

  5. We have porcupines, they have hedgehogs. Well, you can get Hedgehog pets.. but they don't come in the wild in N. America. Same for beavers, although I do believe otters are world wide.

    C'mon, you just wanted to brag that we Canadians properly appreciate beaver. :)

    Speedy, you get handsomer by the day! Its so kind of you to share your Momma with LH. :)

    1. clever Lorna knowing all about animals...hehe... LH never comes out until we are asleep and mummy only does freash food and water for him at dinner time before it gets dark so I'm not missing out..xx Speedy

  6. He sure seems happy staying at your pad Speedy :)xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. well he doesn't want to go out the rain when he has a dry place to sleep,would you?

  7. We wonder if LH will stay put after winter? Love the surprised look on Speedy. :)

    1. we will see what LH does in the spring but he will probably leave to look for a mate.I love that look too! speedy's mum

  8. I've never seen a hedgehog in Canada! Nice of you to give it winter housing! Speedy is just so adorable with his curious look :)

    1. nah you won't unless its a pet hedgehog of the African pygmy sort which are smaller and a domesticated hybrid

  9. LH is one lucky hedgehog! Speedy you are so gracious to share some blog time with him; we love reading about both of you!
    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  10. Maybe yous should has called him Grumpy! Speedy, my ears and toes and nose gets darker in the winter too!

    1. Awww Nellie you are just to cute too!we all get grumpy when we get woken up,xxSpeedy

  11. what a wonderful shelter for Lucky! If speedy's ears get darker he will look like a Panda!! MOL!

    1. Speedy's ears should go dark chocolate brow like his nose

  12. Oh, Speedy, you are the best bunny. Such a handsome guy. It is such a pleasure to see little LH's sanctuary.

    1. LH is eating well and we haven't seen the cat since it scared its self.Speedy is the the best but maybe I would think that being his mum

  13. That is just so cool you have a hedgehog friend!

    LOL Speedy, you look so happy!

    1. Hehehe...daddy rescued him....I'm happy cause I've been able to get out for a run about lately...heheh..xxxSpeedy


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