Thursday 4 October 2012

Mummy Play!

Mum play with me,Mum you're not playing!

Mummy I'm bored
Mum play with me!
Mummy!You're supposed to be playing with me!


  1. Mummy of Sir Speedy of Cheekiness, how can you not be playing with that Little Sweetheart. Didn't you hear him say he was bored? You're supposed to be playing with him. He is asking so nicely. I guess you are just worn out from all the party preparations, but...your bunny needs you to play with him.

    1. Speedy gets plenty of play so don't worry,this is a ritual that we go through every day I bring him down for play time and he goes and have clean after me giving him a brush,then he sits looking at me and I call his name then he comes over and starts digging at my sleave funny boy!

  2. So cute. My bunnies only demand food.

    1. give them time,all may be Speedy will visit your bunnies and give them some tips,what do you think Brandi?

  3. My goodness - what a dunce. Playing with a bunny is FUNNNNN...

  4. Mummy I'm going to blog about how lazy you are !!

  5. You ask so politely and Mummy still isn't playing with you? The nerve!

    1. He always does this its part of the game...Hehe

  6. How can your mum resist!?
    ...well, I can come over and play!
    ; ) Katie

  7. Awwww, what a fun post :) We will'z come play wiff you Speedy, we'z could play'z Hop, Skip and Jump...BOL xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  8. Well I cannot understand why you are so ignored!

    1. Speedy can not be ignored,he always diggs at my sleave,Speedy's mum

  9. Sir Speedy of Cheekiness, I am so sorry to hear your weather has not been as you would have liked it. As Brandi says there are places in the US that have been so hot and dry, we would welcome a bit of your weather. Any way, I hope tomorrow' s weather is perfect for your birthday. We have a problem over here, you know. Some of us are not in the same time zone as you. You might get a funny message that says happy birthday and you are going to think - hey what is the matter with these people they are tooooo late or they are tooooo early. It's just the way it is here on Earth. Anyway in our hearts we are wishing you a happy birthday everyday.

    1. That's ok any time of the day is ok for messages,and the weather looks to be better tomorrow so paws crossed,mummy say's she's ready for my party too...I can't wait...Hehehe...its going to be fun!xxSpeedy

  10. Speedy, I am sure gonna spoke ya..Will nab one of your gorgeous photo's..Make sure youz pop over..coz they all are in a queue :) xx00xx

  11. Is she playing with you YET? Hope so! purrs

    1. oh yes she was just waiting for me to finish grooming

  12. Replies
    1. nah she was laughing to much and trying to take the photos

  13. What a darling and fun blog! Thank you for stopping by our cat blog at Riverfront Cats. We love dogs, birds and bunnies and have never followed a bunny blog but Speedy you are the first for us!

    1. Oooo Thanks, this is fun and thanks for coming to visit me to..xx..Speedy


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