Monday 15 October 2012

The Hedgehog and the Speedy!

Speedy has been having fun in the garden the last couple of days but just for short stints as he isn't keen on the colder weather.He has a nosey about and then all of a sudden the ears prick forward and he looks intensely at the hedgehog's temporary winter home then creeps forward a bit and then in the next second Speedy is off running around again I guess he must hear little bits of movement.
As Speedy's secret pen pal has suggest a name for our temporary friend "Lucky" from now on but I kinda liked "Hogwartz" too so we will call the Hedgehog "Lucky Hogwartz" in all further posts,Thanks Secret Pen Pal.

And as I have been asked about what Hedgehogs eat I thought I would give you all a bit of info on that topic:
Hedgehogs are called omnivores they eat mainly insects with a small percentage of slugs and snail,berries and some nuts in the wild.But when that food source becomes harder to find with the cooler temperatures we can help supplement that diet with cat or dog food but it has to be of high meat content with none of the animal derivatives or fish or fish products,Meat craps from our left over but with the seasonings washed off,cat biscuits,plus small bits of melon or bananas or raisins or a few peanuts or a teaspoon of peanut butter or a bit of hard boiled egg chopped up.You can also get proper hedgehog food from pet food stores or some garden centres or on line shops.A hedgehog mustn't be given bread ,milk and dairy products as they are lactose intolerant and the can't eat fish or fish products either.
Hedgehogs hibernate when they find it too cold of food is scarce but normally just for a few weeks then they rouse and go looking for food when it is a little milder and then go back to hibernation,but if it stays cold they will hibernate all winter.
Hope you enjoy this info if I find and more I will add it to the next post.


  1. fI did not know any of that but hibernating doesn't sound like too bad of an idea when it gets cold!

  2. When does Hogwartz make his modeling debut? PICTURES!!! We all want pictures!

    1. on the next post if I can he is nocturnal so a little difficult being wild and all that

  3. We love the name Lucky Hogwartz! Hedgehogs aren't found locally here but many are imported in to be kept as pets...which I really don't think is proper.
    Ditto Brandi. Photos please?

    1. The ones that are imported are a domesticated hybrid call an African pygmy Hedgehog and the can only be kept as pets as they don't know how to fend for them selves

  4. yay Lucky Hogwartz!!! That's a great name!

    They are nocturnal, right? I wonder what Speedy smells when he smells Lucky Hogwartz.

    1. smell is not good as they anoint them selves and yes the are nocturnal

  5. Cute! One of my friends had a pet hedgehog. It loves catfood. AS cute as they are, not as cute as Speedy

  6. Well who knew - a WILD hedgehog!

    1. their numbers are in decine but where we live you see alot but alot get run over too!

  7. Wow! Me thinks hedgehogs is very interesting!

  8. We knew they ate dog food but eggs..BOL That Hedgehog is sure being spoilt at your house.Thank you for the info, just great xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

    1. we havn't tried the eggs yet,but he does ok though, he get plenty,and when the weather is rough he doesn't have to leave his shelter

  9. thanks for the info about hedgehogs! I never knew all of that!

  10. Sir Speedy of Cheekiness, you are so kind to allow Lucky to be part of Lucky Howartz's name. We feel deeply honoured. We are loving hearing about hedgehogs in general and LH in particular. I just don't see how you could get pictures of him/her without scaring him/her. In fairness to the couple who kindly showed us our one and only hedgehog, I'm not sure what they said they were feeding him. I remember very well that it was in a bowl, and I couldn't believe my eyes when this little hedgehog slipped out from under bushes along the walkway where t he bowl was placed. From a hedgehog sighting to being hedgehog godparents. We are so proud. It was wonderful to hear about your hopping around and sniffing in the garden. Please promise us you will know what to do if you ever sniff a cat again. Any more night time or daytime kitty disturbances? Hope not. Take care and thanks again for the hedgehog info!

    1. we had a disturbance monday night but I think the cat scared him self when it knocked over the bin

    2. Speedy, I am so sorry I spelled Lucky Hogwatrz's name wrong. I heard that the kitty scared himself once. I just had to check again.

  11. We love the name and what interesting information!
    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig


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