Saturday 6 October 2012

Speedy's 1st Birthday party and you're all invited!

I had a great start to my Birthday,Mummy came and got me early this morning for an extra long cuddle then she gave me some treats.After an early morning nap Mummy woke me up,as she was decorating my pen just for me!
Then she let me out to play out side as it has turned out nice while she and Daddy did my lunch,after lunch Mummy and Daddy let me into the kitchen to play and it was already for my Birthday Party with a cake with a candle on it and some presents and a card.Now I'm just waiting for all of you my friends to come and have fun at my party!
Mum Decorated my Pen just for me!
Then Mum decorated the Kitchen just for me!
This is me with my Birthday cake and Presents!
This is me looking at my Decorations!
This is my Birthday card that Mum made for me!
This is me with my Presents!
This is me Nomming my Herb poesy

This is me nomming again!

This me having a rest while I wait for you guys to come to my
Birthday Party!


  1. OK SPEEDY we are here, all five of us, and we brought you this huge bunch of late season basil from the Farmer's Market. We hope to nom well.
    Tyler, Sydney, Amelia, Harriet and Daikon.

    1. ooh thanks thats really nice,and thank you so much for comming to my party...Heeheehee this is fun!

  2. Happy Birthday, Little One. Your Mum and Dad are The Best! I guess you know that already though. Look at all the wonderful things they did for you and for us. This is the best party ever! I sure hope you get an extra long cuddle at bedtime, too. There is really nothing like those extra long cuddles, is there?

    1. Heeheehee thanks for comming to my party I've had lots of play time and lots of cuddles too and I always have a cuddle before bedtime...I love cuddles

  3. And guess who else has come to my party my Auntie Karen,my old pal Weasley's mummy hehehe...thanks for my present*a big kiss from me*

  4. You're very welcome, Speedy. I'm so glad I could be at your party. You are a very lucky boy to have a Mom who throws you such wonderful parties!

  5. Mr. Mick is on his way with a large box of hay cookies, some carrot rum and a roll of his favorite brown paper for shredding and tossing. Happy Birthday, Speedy!

    1. Thanks Auntie Jade for letting me know and for letting Mick come to my party...oh he's here...thanks Mick for comming wow is that for me and the party?Thanks ever so much,now the party has really started..hehehe!

  6. Happy Birthday Speedy. I hope you have a wonderful day

  7. I send snorgles, cuddles, nose bumps and my own human form of a binky!!!! What a fun day for you, Speedy! You are a lucky ducky bunny!
    Happy BIRTHDAY!

    1. Hehehe....thanks for the snorgles I love you Auntie Brandi...xxxSpeedy

  8. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Speedy!!! I hope your day was very special because you sure are special!

    1. We partyed all night...hehe...Thank you for comming...hehe Speedy

  9. Hoppy B-day Speedy! Your such a beautiful rabbit! Spoiled too, lol

  10. Ooooo!!!! We all send you great big binkies, snuggles and bunny kisses!! Happy babbity Birthday, sweet Speedy!!!! : ) xox

  11. Getting a late start, but Matilda, Gabby, and Yogi are on their way bearing nommies.

    1. They are here...oooh thanks for the nommies...come and join the party!

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU ADORABLE BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!! I love how you are looking at your cards and decorations lol!!!!
    I know your Mommy spoiled you and that is just as it should be!
    Sooooooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Happy Birthday and hope you did a lot of "hopping!!"

  13. Oh yes lots of hopping and thanks for comming Caren and Cody..xx..Speedy

  14. Happy Bunday Speedy, wow what a great day you had and cake, save uz some..YumYUum..xxoooxx
    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Oh yes it was fun hope you like carrot cake?we all had a great time we partyed all night long,thanks for comming..x..Speedy

  15. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birrrrrrrrrrthhhhday dear Speeeeeeeeedy....Happy Birthday to you!
    We love you sweet boy!
    Shell, Harrington and Hannah

    1. Thanks Auntie Shell ,Harrington,and Hannah and thank you for comming to my party it was fun..xx..Speedy

  16. Oh Speedy... I hope you had a super-duper great and fantastic birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUDDY! You're so very well spoken for one-year-old, you know. What is that in cat years? Hmmm... how 'bout peep years? Hope your day was filled with carrots and lettuce and all of your other favourite things. purrs

    1. Thanks for comming to my party it fun with lots of nommies...Mummy say's that in peep years it something like 21...nose bonks Speedy

  17. Speedy! What a great pawty! Me has never seen so many bunnies at once! Kozmo thinks yous bunnies are cool. He thought bunnies would be little but boy was he surprised! Great pawty!

    1. NELLIE!Yippee! you came and Kozmo cool!hehehe bunnies can be small,med of big.I'm glad you had a great time,you were a Speedy

  18. Oh wow, Speedy, what a great birthday! You look like you had SO much fun!!! What kind of herbs did you get? I LOVE your pen.

    1. Basil,Taragon,Parsley,Coriander and Honey suckle and I've had the best time...xx Speedy

  19. Replies
    1. Hehehe partying is fun and my pals keep paying me visits,xx Speedy

  20. Hey, I hope you weren't too cheeky to go to bed? Do you get lots of extra cuddles when you just nap? It could be bedtime....mmmm, lots of extra cuddles....

    1. I have had lots of cuddles even this morning mummy cuddled me before she went to work and when she had to get ready she left me with daddy to carry on cuddling me until breakfast time!

    2. That is what they call the good life, Little One. Cuddle on! What are your plans now that you are getting to be such a big boy. Is it time to start thinking about college? a career?

    3. Nah I have my jobs an explorer,party planer,Speedy detective,first mate on the pirate ship The Lagomorph,rescue bunny,Garden helper,oh and keeping Mummy and Daddy busy...And in my spare time playing and having fun...Hehehe...xxxSpeedy

    4. Yes, of course. I apologize for my momentary lapse. That is a huge amount of responsibility! What was I thinking? Anyway thanks for all you do. Here in Texas we are going to designate a special day for Speedy Appreciation Day. If you don't have a day that you prefer, we may just make it tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. Now that we think of all the things you do, and you didn't even mention making Brandi feel better while she's got a chest cold, maybe everyday should be Speedy Day. Ummm, yes, good idea! And you are soooooooo photogenic. Press coverage would always be great. LOVE, your pictures. They cheer me up, too. Over and out, Little Bud.

    5. Awwww you're making me blush,I don't need things like that just my friends like you and Auntie Brandi and everybody else,Hmm I must send Auntie Brandi a get well soon email.xx Speedy

    6. That would be really nice Sir Speedy. She has a job to do at HOR.

  21. Happy birthday! I hope you had a fantastic party!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  22. What a party! Happy Birthday Speedy. We celebrated here for you!

    1. I thought I saw Racer sneak in through the closet,but it was a great time...xx Speedy

  23. It looks like you had a wonderful birthday Speedy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It so happens Mum made carrot cake today and we got to lots of left over fresh carrot!

  24. Speedy! Happy birthday!!!! You know it wouldn't be a party if Maddy wasn't fashionably late. Looks like you had so much fun!!!! Love you!!!

    1. MADDY!You came to see me*Speedy bounds up and rough and tumble's Maddy*hehehe..come on I've got so much to tell you xx Speedy

  25. Hoppy birthday!! It looks like you had a wonderful day!!

    1. thanks it was great and very long and all I want to do now is snooze...zzzzzzzz...xx Speedy

  26. Speedster, I have been very sick with a chest cold these few days past and looking at your cute pictures cheered me up. That and all the brandy I have been drinking. You are SOOOOOO cute, Speedy! Schnuggles to ya!

    1. Auntie Brandi I hope you get well soon,here some speedy snuggles and kisses to get you well,xxxx Speedy,and hugs from rach

  27. Aww Speedy, you are the luckiest and sweetest house bunny I've ever seen! I hope you give your Mum lots of love for this wonderful birthday!! xo

  28. All these pictures are just so wonderful, from memory lane to the party, just wonderful. I will never get tired of looking at them.

    1. Thank you we never get tired either,Speedy's mum

  29. Wonderful pictures Speedy and Happy Birthday!

  30. Speedy! Stop by my blog and picks up your award!!

  31. I'm vaguely alive here in Chilliwack! :) I spent Thanksgiving with the parents and came home with a head cold.. And as Maddy's Mum pointed out.. Speedy pictures DO so make one feel better!

    I hope you had a wonderfully awesome birthday and you have basil breath for a week. :)

    1. Auntie Lorna feel better soon,I had a great birthday thanks.lots of speedy snuggles to you...xxxxx.Speedy!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Hi Speedy,

    I want to be your friend. My piggies insist! We can share our veggies with you ;)


  34. We hope you had a great birthday and hope we can be new friends!
    -Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

    1. Thanks I had a fun birthday,and of course we can be friends,Speedy and Mum

  35. Wow Speedy you're one lucky bunny! We'd love to come over and party. Actually our founder Christine celebrated her 44th birthday on October 9th and her dog, our sister Ma Cherie celebrated her 12th birthday. They are old but we love them. You are libra so you are very special! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    1. Thanks Guys,you always welcome to come and party..xx..Speedy

  36. Hi Speedy,

    I come over to see you again after rereading all the comments I received. Your face does have healing powers. Please keep them coming. My heart is healing little by little and I will keep checking your blog. I really appreciate your bunny Love :)

    1. Thanks for coming I love you too,Speedy snuggles and bunny kisses,Speedy


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