Saturday 26 December 2015

Christmas day and Santa came......

First I want to wish you all a Happy Boxing Day!Yesterday was Christmas Day and Santa came and left the goodies,so here is my day in photo first is the presents from bun pals Ebony and Gizmo...
Then the presents from bun pal Angel....
And then the Presents from Mummy and Daddy.....
The rest of the day is on video which mummy is uploading as we speak so they will get posted another time.Here is the final tally on the cards.....
Speedy E-cards:26   Paper Cards:9       Christmas Thank you Notes: 41
Mummy E-cards:2    Paper Cards:26
Joint E-cards:5         Paper Cards:8
These are my Cards......
and these are the few that came in yesterday and the ones we didn't get to print off.....
The Cat on My Head
from Leeloo

Ecard from Daisy the Scottie this one is a video so you need to click the link.
Ecard from Jeanne,Chloe and Ladybug at Bichonpaws this is an animated card from Jacquie Lawson so click the link to see it.
Ecard from Molly and Alfie another animated card from Jacquie Lawson click the link to see it.
Ecard from Binky and Granny at angel whispers click the link to see the animated card.
Ecard from Sheena another animated card from Jacquie Lawson click the link to see it.
Ecard from Freya Rose Blossom and Ark the pup another Jacquie Lawson Card click the link to see it.
Ecard from Lola Mae and her mum this is from click the link to see it

These are Mummy's and the top bit and top 3 window on the door are the joint ones....


  1. How can one invest in Lawson cards?

  2. WOW Speedy, it looks like you had a very nice Christmas!!!

  3. Merry Christmas, Speedy!!


  4. It's nice. Lot of gift for you Speedy.
    Do you have a new castle ...

  5. Such a lovely Christmas for you, Speedy!! Gizmo & Ebony love their gifts from you, too!! ❤

  6. You're a lucky, popular bunny, Speedy!

    No wonder, as you're so handsome, charming and adorable!
    Enjoy your holidays!

    And make sure your hoomins keep piling on the love! xx

  7. It looks like you're going to have a lot of fun with your Christmas gifts. Lots of chewing, playing, chew treats, and a new castle!

  8. What a lucky Christmas bunny you are, Speedy! Enjoy the rest of the festive holidays!

  9. You got some really nice gifts, Speedy!

  10. Wonderful gifts and cards.
    Sue B

  11. Looks like LOTS of Christmas fun over there at your house, S. Enjoy, buddy!

    Love and licks,

  12. Woo Hoo Speddy there sure are a zazillion cards there!! An you an Aunty an Mistur deserve them an so much more....
    Yur giftss are pawsum; just like you mee furend!
    Mee iss not sure if mee ferst commint went thru so mee thott mee hould send another commint just inn case ;)
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  13. We just KNEW IT.... a Well Behaved Bun such as yourself was Destined to get TONS of super duper Pressies. Congratulations Speedy... YOu really SCORED big time..

  14. What a wonderful bunch of Christmas pressies and Christmas cards!! Happy Boxing Day!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  15. Speedy you sure had a lot of stuff for Christmas little buddy! Xx

  16. You must have been a truly great bunny this year! I hope that your Christmas was very special. ♥

  17. Speedy, you are the most pawsome Bun I now; seriously!!

  18. Speedy, you got lots of nice cards. We really like the cards with buns on them. Those are just too cute. You all have a great Sunday.

  19. Looks like you had a fabulous day and you sure received a lot of great cards!

  20. WOW you really got some great cards!!
    Hope you had a great Christmas!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!


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