Thursday 24 December 2015

Speedy's Christmas Countdown December 24th!

OMB Tomorrow is Christmas Day so That means my Countdown is nearly over but you still have till 5am tomorrow morning to get your final entries sent in you can post them straight on my Facebook Event or you can email them in to me at [email protected] for the final post tomorrow.Get your humans snapping those photo's cause remember my Favourite 3 will win a surprise gift to be sent after the big day!
But now lets see the latest entries,first is Garfield this was sent in by his mama Sue B.....
He look very comfy there next to his tree!And next is The Cat on My Head.......

 This is Calista Jo under Angel Twinkle's Tree.
And this is Misty May under Angel Twinkle's Tree.

This year there has been so many great entries it going to be tough to choose....

Mummy has sent all the Christmas Cards out so you all need to check your inbox and spam box on your email as we use Jacquie Lawson ecards,they are really beautiful and are animated too.It's not too late to get one from me so if you would like to have one send me a note to mummy's email above and I'll make sure you get one.I don't want any of my pals missing out on one of these E-cards
Now the card tally is at...
Speedy E-cards:21   Paper Cards:9       Christmas Thank you Notes: 39
Mummy E-cards:2    Paper Cards:19
Joint E-cards:5         Paper Cards:8

And for those who just want to grab a quick E-card from me here's one for you!
 Now here is the Video of the picking of the winner of the ASPCA Holiday Gift Pack Giveaway....hehehe I was a bit Naughty.....


  1. Why should Speedy pick where apparently there were no foodables involved? Good job, Speedy. You don't work for air.

  2. What beautiful trees and decorations
    Have a very Merry Christmas Speedy and Peeps
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. We hope that all your Christmas wishes come true!!

    Merry Christmas Woos from Ciara, Lightning, and Mom Kathie

  4. Congratulations to Siddhartha! Boy Speedy, picking winner is a lot more difficult than it sounds......I would have the same challenges! Loved all the photos...hopevyoundo this again next year. Merry Christmas to all! Skyler

  5. Beautiful. Thanks for showing our tree.
    Sue B

  6. Dear Speedy... we are sending YOU and YOURS ... Our wish fur the most MERRY CHRISTMAS..EVER!!!

  7. Santa is on his way
    Merry Christmas Eve
    Edward & Lily

  8. Speedy! Mes hopes Father Christmas brings yous something super special!
    Mes wanted to stops by and say
    Merry Christmas to all of yous! May your life be filled with the wonder and hope of Christmas all year!
    Love Nellie and Mommy

  9. Loved all the bears on that tree. Merry Christmas Eve!

  10. You did have lots of nice entries Speedy! You sure were making Mom do all the work to pick a winner, but that was a great one!

  11. MOL, Speedy! Buns are as stubborn as kitties! Well, my human is still decorating the tree, so it'll probably be too late for your contest - but at least it'll be up!

  12. A big concats to Siddhartha! A very deserving winner. Thanks for getting our Christmas photos on the blog. Mom will post our card on our blog tomorrow and will get them sent by e-mail and snail mail next week. Wishing you a blessed holiday. Hugs, Mom Janet and Kitties Blue

  13. ALL the lights are twinkling, not a creature is stirring, all the peeps are waiting and here I am looking for Santa Speedy in the sky. It's chilly up there Santa, but you'll be over the USA in a few hours so BIG HUGS to all!

  14. Those are more lovely trees. I did get your snail mail card, Speedy, thank you. It is on the second photo down. My mum scanned 2-4 cards on to each photo. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  15. He he Speedy, you took your time LOL. Merry Christmas :)

  16. Woo Hoo iss rite Aunty Rachel!!!!!!
    Wee just found theis video an wee iss over thee moon!!! An mee par-cell iss here safe an sound an so iss Eli thee Eel....
    Wee iss werkin on a new bloggie to tell efurryone abut mee gifts an thee contest too!!!
    Woo Hoo!!! An fankss fur pickin littul humbull mee...
    ***nose kisssss Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxx


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