Wednesday 23 December 2015

Speedy's Christmas Countdown December 23rd!

Gosh Tomorrow is Christmas Eve so the big day is nearly upon us...they presents are wrap and ready to be delivered to all of you who have been good this year but first we must continue with the countdown and we have a great one today its from our Kitty pal Savannah....
Hehehe Savvy always knows how to make me giggle!

And I have the winner of the ASPCA Holiday gift pack it seems Speedy was being naughty today and didn't want to pick the winner so I am afraid I had to pick the winner,unfortunately the YouTube app on my phone is playing up So I will post the video tomorrow

Anyway the Winner is Siddhartha at The Purrfect Pad! So Congrats To Siddhartha!

Its not too late to send in or post your entries to my Christmas Count and don't forget you can see all the latest entries at my Facebook Event!

So Send in your Photo's of your tree's and decorations with you in them if possible,if not no worries to [email protected] or you can post them on my Facebook Event to enter.You have till 5am Christmas Morning to get them in as that is when mum gets up to give me my breakfast and remember my Favourite 3 will win a surprise gift after the big day!

Mummy has been sent all the Christmas Cards out so you all need to check your inbox and spam box on your email as we use Jacquie Lawson ecards,they are really beautiful and are animated too.It's not too late to get one from me so if you would like to have one send me a note to mummy's email above and I'll make sure you get one.I don't want any of my pals missing out on one of these E-cards
Now the card tally is at...
Speedy E-cards:20   Paper Cards:8
Mummy E-cards:1    Paper Cards:18
Joint E-cards:5         Paper Cards:8

And for those who just want to grab a quick E-card from me here's one for you!


  1. SANTA SPEEDY! You only have tonight and then tomorrow you need to load of the sleigh and get an early start! When you come to Minnesota, you WILL need your snow boots...WE ARE GETTING SNOW! Will you even be able to sleep tonight?

  2. Wow, Savvy's tree is gorgeous in the background! Love your Christmas countdown. Congrats to your big ASPCA winner.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Holiday Hound

  3. Congratulations to the big WINNER... that is wonderful.

    WE would like to wish YOU and your peeps a VERY MUCH Merry Christmas.

  4. We love Savvy's tree. Early Christmas for your winner!

  5. Squeeee!! That's me! Thank you Speedy. Happy hols to all of you as well

  6. Mee-you Savannah yur lookin fine in yur foto!!!
    An Speedy it iss grate to see you an wha.....***THUD***
    (Kittyboy down here)
    Hello Speedy & Rachel thank you so much for pulling Siddhartha Henry's name! This is wonderful....I'll be back; I have to give Siddhartha henry Kitty CPR!!!!!
    (((hugs)) Sherri-Ellen & a swooning Siddhartha ;)

  7. It's not time yet to do my Christmas shopping.

  8. Thanks for making all those days so festive and fun! Now enjoy the rest of the Holiday time and festivities.

  9. Well, our tree is up, but it's not decorated yet! Don't worry, it's already passed my taste test!

  10. SOOO close! Christmas is here soon!

  11. Speedy your Christmas Countdown has been FABULOUS! Now Christmas Eve is here and Mom and I want to wish you and your Mom a SUPER DUPER Merry Christmas!!!!! Congrats to Siddhartha for the ASPCA gift pack too...he and his Mom will love that.

    Christmas Hugs,


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