Monday 7 December 2015

Speedy's Christmas Countdown December 7th

OMB it's Day 7 of my countdown!It's going so fast and soon Santa will be popping down our chimneys delivery presents to us all!....It's all so exciting....
Anyway let's get on with the next entry and it's from Brian at Brians Home
Pawsome Tree he and his furfamily have there....lucky kitties!
Now time for another snap from my Christmas House....
Mummy decided not to put anything on the ceiling in the passage this year as she thought it wouldn't look right with the tree being there,I think I agree with mummy.
Now don't forget to send in your photos of your tree's and decorations and if you can get your selves in them too that would be great but if not no worries...send them to [email protected] or you can post them on my Facebook Event ,you have to 5 am UK time Christmas morning to email them in or post them on my FB page event cause that is when mummy gets my breakfast.Remember my favourite three will win a surprise gift after the big day!


  1. Thanks for sharing my photos Speedy!

  2. Brian's tree is so beautiful! And we also agree with you and your mom on her decorating. You have a gorgeous tree and wreaths. Hope one of those stockings is yours!

  3. I am so enjoying all these Christmas trees and decorations! So far, I don't have anything to show - I need to get my human working!

  4. Wow, what a gorgeous kitty furiend! He looks ready for the holiday.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  5. Brian's tree looks lovely. Your decorations are very pretty too.

  6. And what is Brian's song? OOPS, I forgot you're in the UK and wouldn't catch that.

  7. Brian looks very relaxed under his pretty tree.
    Speedy, I like the wreaths in your entry.

  8. Good morning Santa Speedy! Are you gearing up your sleigh and feeding your reindeer properly for the big night? I am waiting for you little Santa! GORGEOUS TREE!

  9. What a cute kitten and some lovely trees :)

  10. Beautiful my friend. I just love seeing all of these Christmas pictures!! XOXO - Bacon

  11. More paw-some Christmas photos!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  12. Mee-you Santa Speedy isn't Brian lookin so fine under his pawsum Kat-mass tree??? An yur place looks like a fiary garden an so eeuteefull...Aunty Rachel iss so-o talented!!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  13. We loved that photo of Brian when we saw it on his blog. Your decorations at your house look great. Speedy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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