Monday 14 December 2015

Speedy's Christmas Countdown December 14th

It's another day closer to Christmas Eve....when Santa sets off on his journey across the skies,delivering our presents near and far....and shall there be a bunny in that sleigh of his...a Santa bunny helper?...Shall we see?Hehehehe will you hear bunny giggles along side Santa's deep HoHoHo?I guess you'll find out on Christmas Eve....
Now it's time to get on with my Countdown and the next entries a from first Miss Cathy Keisha of her Delightful Christmas Tree....

And Next is from my Aunty Lee and her kitty furfamily enjoying their Christmas house.....

What Great entries today....don't forget you can see all the latest entries at my Facebook Event!

So Send in your Photo's of your tree's and decorations with you in them if possible,if not no worries to [email protected] or you can post them on my Facebook Event to enter.You have till 5am Christmas Morning to get them in as that is when mum gets up to give me my breakfast and remember my Favourite 3 will win a surprise gift after the big day!

Mummy has been sending all the Christmas Cards out this week so you all need to check your inbox and spam box on your email as we use Jacquie Lawson ecards,they are really beautiful and are animated too,if you haven't had one yet or you would like to have on send me a note to mummy's email below and I'll make sure you get one.I don't want any of my pals missing out on one of these E-cards
Now the card tally is at...
Speedy E-cards:11   Paper Cards:7
Mummy E-cards:1    Paper Cards:8
Joint E-card:0      Paper Cards:3


  1. I friend!
    Have a nice week!!!!

  2. OMD your Card Count is Grrrrrreat Speedy... somethingy to THUMP about fur Sure...

    AWWWWWWWwwwwww today's Christmas Beauty is gorgeous... each one is so SPECIAL... THANK YOU fur sharing them with us.

  3. So beautiful! We're living vicariously through your posted decoration photos because our mom won't put up a tree this year. And already, Mr. Snowy Owl took down half our mantel decorations. He's a bad one, that snowy owl.

  4. Pretty trees. What cute kitties.
    Sue B

  5. Cathy Keisha's tree is as beeuteefull as she iss Speedy!!!
    An yur Aunty'ss place is luvley; so festive! Wee totallee enjoy yur dailee fotoss!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  6. We love the pretty trees too Speedy!

  7. Cool trees! Still nothing here!

  8. Those are all lovely Christmas photos. I've never seen such a tall, skinny tree.

    1. Michaels calls it their " pencil tree" cause it really is skinny! My cats always tried to climb the tall one, so now I use 4' trees! Thanks!

  9. Getting more and more Christmassy every day! lovely photos. :-D

  10. I BELIEVE in Santa Speedy, I DO I DO! I know I will see his magic sleigh jet across the sky. I will be watching! XOXOX

  11. Those trees all look lovely. Will I ever get mine!

  12. Squeals - I love these - especially the "skinny" tree. Awesome! XOXO - Bacon

  13. Thanks for letting me join in, even though I don't have bunnies!
    I love all animals and have so enjoyed seeing all the sweet pets and homes!


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