Sunday 13 December 2015

Speedy's Christmas Countdown December 13th!

Woohoo only 12 more sleeps to go are you getting excited now?I am....hehehe.Have you all been good?I hope so....don't want to get any lumps of coal do we...hehehe!

Anyway on with my Countdown with todays entries starting with Aunty Sharon from Gentle Stitches.....
She is with her pups Tricky the Poodle and Jack the Terrier....what a great family photo! Next is one from my Aunty Jade this is her tree this year but Lola wouldn't pose so she had her doppelganger to stand in for her instead....
What Great entries today....don't forget you can see all the latest entries at my Facebook Event!

So Send in your Photo's of your tree's and decorations with you in them if possible,if not no worries to [email protected] or you can post them on my Facebook Event to enter.You have till 5am Christmas Morning to get them in as that is when mum gets up to give me my breakfast and remember my Favourite 3 will win a surprise gift after the big day!

Mummy has been sending all the Christmas Cards out this week so you all need to check your inbox and spam box on your email as we use Jacquie Lawson ecards,they are really beautiful and are animated too,if you haven't had one yet or you would like to have on send me a note to mummy's email below and I'll make sure you get one.I don't want any of my pals missing out on one of these E-cards
Now the card tally is at...
Speedy E-cards:11   Paper Cards:6
Mummy E-cards:0    Paper Cards:6
Joint E-card:0      Paper Cards:2


  1. That looks like Christmas, very nice, Speedy :) Pawkisses :) <3

  2. Today's entries are very colorful and festive.

  3. Happy Sunday, Speedy - you have had so many wonderful photos to share - we love them all!!!

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  4. So pretty and colorful!

    Love and licks,

  5. We love seeing everybuddy's holiday photos.

  6. Lady Sharon iss a purrty Lady an Tricky an jack are adoor-abull doggies!!
    Thee doopelbunny iss a grate idea.....mew mew mew....
    ***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  7. What a wonderful entry today!! What a pretty tree!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  8. THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES! Oh Santa Speedy, you must be beside yourself! Are you organized? Do you have your suit cleaned and pressed, ready to go? Do you have your map straight, all the addresses correct, your GPS calibrated so you don't get lost? teeehheeee


  9. I like the bunny ornament on that tree! Pawsome!

  10. Beautiful and happy photo's my friends. I love them! XOXO - Bacon

  11. I just pass by to say hello to you Speedy.
    Here we are not into all this christmas things !


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