Friday 18 December 2015

Speedy's Christmas Countdown December 18th!

OMB....OMB!We only have a week to go till the big day how cool is that?And so Exciting!Now lets get back to what we really want to see....Today's Tree and its from my Auntie Jodie....hehehe she's a bunny mum too....
Totally pretty this tree for a bit of fun from 2 fun chaps called Jack and Gus......hehehe......

hehehe those guys are just so cheeky.....hmmmm bit like me....hehehe.....

Don't forget you can see all the latest entries at my Facebook Event!

So Send in your Photo's of your tree's and decorations with you in them if possible,if not no worries to [email protected] or you can post them on my Facebook Event to enter.You have till 5am Christmas Morning to get them in as that is when mum gets up to give me my breakfast and remember my Favourite 3 will win a surprise gift after the big day!

Mummy has been sending all the Christmas Cards out this week and Last week so you all need to check your inbox and spam box on your email as we use Jacquie Lawson ecards,they are really beautiful and are animated too,if you haven't had one yet or you would like to have on send me a note to mummy's email below and I'll make sure you get one.I don't want any of my pals missing out on one of these E-cards
Now the card tally is at...
Speedy E-cards:12   Paper Cards:7
Mummy E-cards:1    Paper Cards:10
Joint E-card:2      Paper Cards:6
Seems Mummy is starting to catch me up on the total count.......


  1. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, I totally agree that being one week away is so very exciting! Can't wait for Santa. OMD what a pretty tree and I was chuckling at the two rat guys in their tree. Mom is going all squeeeee at their cuteness.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  2. Jack an Gus are berry adventeruss! An yur Aunty Jody'ss tree iss purrty an twinklee.....
    Guess what Speedy?? It iss tryin to snow here!!! Woo Hoo!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  3. THAT was totally CUTE! They remind me of my Tea Rat and Rattus characters, Santa Speedy! OH, let's make this a happy CREATURE Christmas!!!!Are you getting your sleigh ready, Santa Speedy? Are your reindeers tuned up for the long journey? I can't wait!

  4. Beautiful tree. Love the Jack and Gus video.
    Sue B

  5. We can't believe it is coming so fast! We love counting it down with you!

  6. Oooh, that's a very pretty tree.
    And what a fun video of Jack and Gus exploring the tree.

  7. Speedy, that video was so funny. Guests could jump right out of their chairs if they didn't know those guys were in the tree. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. GORGEOUS tree. Ours got all decorated, yesterday. purrs


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