Thursday 17 December 2015

Speedy's Christmas Countdown December 17th with the ASPCA!

Today's post is being shared with ASPCA with some great ideas for the holiday season!
No:1 Adopt,Don't Shop!

Please don't buy Pets from pet shop as as the pets like puppies come from Puppy mills and other such places,Make your first adoption today!Search for adoptable animals by visiting
Here in the UK you can visit local rescues and the RSPCA,Dogs Trust...though this time of year in the UK they don't do adoptions because they don't want them being given as gifts and then becoming unwanted again.But don't let that put you off,you can still start the process.

No:2 Help Local Shelters!

You can help by Volunteering your time to help them or find out what the need in supplies

No:2 Have a more Humane Holiday Meal!

You can find out more at or by reading the labels when you do your shopping at the supermarket.Look for free range animals and certified products.

No:3 Host a Holiday Sweet Swap!

You could do a cake bake and cookie sale at you office are just with your friend and donate the proceed to your local shelter or rescue

And now for an extra Giveaway ASPCA have let me have one Holiday Gift pack for one of you lucky pals to win!
It has West Elm Tea Towel West elm will donate $1 for every one sold
Collapsible water bowl and Puppy dog cinch bag since 2008 Subaru have supported a 1000 adoption events resulting in more than 11,500 adoptions.
Walkers Shortbread cookie tin
  ASPCA Pet Throw: Machine washable microsherpa pet blanket with two different comfy textures by European Home Designs.
ASPCA Branded Canvas Tote Bag.

All you have to do is leave a comment below and I'll pick the winner like I normally do on video! You have till Monday 5pm UK time to leave a comment to enter and I'll anounce the winner on very next post after that Deadline!Good luck to you all!


  1. Great ideas Speedy
    Happy Christmas
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. OMP SQUEALS!!! Great and awesome post and I love giveaways - snorts and oinks and barks my friend. XOXO - Bacon

  3. Good post speedy. Always good to remind people to adopt
    Lily & Edward

  4. Good tips Speedy. I hope that lots of pets find their forever homes this month for the holidays!

  5. So many homeless animals out there and their only wish is for a permanent forever loving home for Christmas. We agree....always adopt!

  6. Speedy you are very very smart. Lots of very helpful info here
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. These are such wonderful ideas. Love them!
    Hugs to you and Speedy!

  8. Great suggestions.

    One thing that has made me very happy as I've read these posts is I don't remember the last time I saw a puppy for sale in a pet store here. As a child almost every mall had a store that displayed various breeds for sale, but those are long gone. There is one pet store that hosts cats from a rescue to give them exposure and some still sell fish and small animals, but I can honestly say I don't remember the last time I saw puppies or kittens being sold in a pet store and that is progress.

  9. SQUAAAAAWK! Kaci and Kali are both dogs that came from a kill shelter where they were on the "list".

  10. 444 paws up Aunty Rachel an Speedy fur a grate bloggie post! LadyMum iss not much of a baker, mew mew mew butt shee doss help mee with Commint-athonss an shee doess doe-nate to low-cal Shelter an Feral kat group an shee did adopt mee frum that group an shee iss a good consumer all so....mee finks she got all thee points covered ;)
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

  11. Ohhh I would love to win that ASPCA package!! Woohooooooo!!!

    Great info too Speedy!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  12. You know that I'm not an adopted cat Speedy. But I don't come from a shop or from a cat's mill. I am an Aby. In France there is no such thing for us.
    My human is vegetarian and eats just organic food. It's very important to do it.
    PS : I love the picture with the dog and the cookies. So cute !

    1. Of course Hisia,Kitties like you have to come from respected cat breeders ,which there is nothing wrong with,and France has it right no puppy or kitty mills,and that is how it should be in every country,xx Rachel


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