Saturday 21 December 2019

21st of December....Day 21 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown!

OMB you only have 4 more days left of my countdown so hurry if you want to join in!The rules are posted below. But first I thought you would all like to hear the latest news about Pup the Hedgehog.....well see for your self...

Yep your eyes do not deceive you....We have another guest in the greenhouse.Pup is the one eating and the new Guest Hogmite comes out of Pups nestbox.Hogmite was in the other one but Pup decided she wanted the box so they switched boxes.Hogmite was rescued yesterday on the main road out of the village where we live.Mummy and Daddy could see it was a bit on the small side and it would have gotten run over as it was just before 6am and a lot of people go to drive to work then.So mummy and daddy stopped the car to pick it up out of the road and daddy took it home after dropping mum to work.It turns out Hogmite is a bit smaller than Pup so he or she will stay till she's big enough to survive hibernation.....which means till the spring most likely.Pup has squabbled with Hogmite a little bit but Hogmite doesn't seem to be bothered to much and generally they seem to get on most of the time so all is good.Pup's fur continues to grow back as well and she was 566 grams on Tuesday when mummy weighed her so she is almost ready for surviving the winter sleep if she does go to sleep.The Hog hotel clientele is growing for Christmas!!!

Now I thought I would share some of my Ecards with you that I post here for you can take your pick on which one you have or you can have them all!
This one was created by Glogirly for me
Mummy made this one and the next one
and Ann Adamus made this one
Now here's a quick reminder of the Rules for those of you who want to join in my countdown....there is still time...
The rules are as follow:
1:You have from Now until 5am UK time on Christmas morning to get your photo's into me.
2: You can email them to rachel dot dejong at googlemail dot com
3:You can post them on my Facebook Event Here
4:All photos will be posted here on my blog and on my Facebook Event
5:All photos have to be Either Christmas themed or some other Holiday theme Celebrated at this time of year!

And remember my Favourite 3 entries will get a little Christmas gift from your very own Santa Speedy!


  1. Those are all pretty Speedy! Pup sure has been busy!

  2. We'll be sending you a photo ... sounds like a fun event! Happy Hopping Christmas to one and all ... and the little Hedgies are just precious!

  3. I didn't know hedgehogs would cohabitate relatively peacefully. It's good that Pup & Hogmite are getting along well enough to share a shelter.
    Of course all your ecards are cute, and the one Glogirly created for you is silly!

  4. I'm so glad you rescued that tiny pup!

  5. Good morning everyone! Hello Pup! How lovely to greet a new friend. May all your days be merry and bright!


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