Thursday 5 December 2019

5th 5 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown!

Hey to my Holiday Followers its day 5 of my countdown leaving us only 20 days's Speeding along so fast isn't it?Yesterday we went back to Endsleigh Garden Centre and saw they had put up some extra displays....aren't they lovely?

Now Mummy said we should play one of her favourite Christmas songs that Grandpaw used to play when she was growing up...So here it is!

Now its time for a Quick reminder of the rules if you want to join in my Countdown.....
The rules are as follow:
1:You have from Now until 5am UK time on Christmas morning to get your photo's into me.
2: You can email them to rachel dot dejong at googlemail dot com
3:You can post them on my Facebook Event Here
4:All photos will be posted here on my blog and on my Facebook Event
5:All photos have to be Either Christmas themed or some other Holiday theme Celebrated at this time of year!

And remember my Favourite 3 entries will get a little Christmas gift from your very own Santa Speedy!


I am sorry for any inconvenience but after getting a rude unsavoury comment I have now enabled comment moderation from now on all Spam or Unsavoury comments will be removed and reported.
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