Sunday 22 December 2019

22nd of December....Day 22 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown!

With only 3 more days to go to the big day and Hanukkah starting today too and today is the final Sunday of Advent as well I thought it was time to do some breakfast photos of me in my Sleep den this morning....

And I thought it would be good to take some selfies as well since its Sunday Selfie time.Now before we introduce our guest today its time to give you a quick reminder of the rules for those of you who want to join remember you only have till Christmas Morning to get you photo's in....
The rules are as follow:
1:You have from Now until 5am UK time on Christmas morning to get your photo's into me.
2: You can email them to rachel dot dejong at googlemail dot com
3:You can post them on my Facebook Event Here
4:All photos will be posted here on my blog and on my Facebook Event
5:All photos have to be Either Christmas themed or some other Holiday theme Celebrated at this time of year!

And remember my Favourite 3 entries will get a little Christmas gift from your very own Santa Speedy!

Now on to our Guest photos.These are from Raven of the Indulged Furries

Doesn't Raven's House Pawsome for Christmas? And finally we want to wish all of our Jewish Friends Happy Hanukkah and may your festival of lights be a blessed one!If you Click on the link below for a Jacquie Lawson Ecard from us!
Jacquie Lawson Hanukkah Card from Us


  1. I love your selfies Speedy, those are wonderful as is the pretty Raven home!

  2. I love how festive your den is.

  3. What a festive sleeping den - pawsome! Have a wonderful holiday sweet Speedy and family.

  4. Speedy, you're so handsome. I love your close-up selfie. It looks like your sleep den is fairly high off the floor. Do you jump down that far? And thanks for sharing our Christmas decorations. They're not too fancy, but the give the house a bit of holiday cheer.

  5. I love your selfies. Your house looks so festive. Merry Christmas.
    Sue B

  6. You'd only have to do 8 posts for Hanukkah.

  7. I want to smooch you under the mistletoe. OX

  8. Great selfies and pawsome decorations.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Speedy, that is the cutest selfie! And we love Raven’s decorations. Very festive!

  10. Late catching up, sorry Speedy. May I compliment Mum on your splendid portrait - you look amazing!

    Merry Christmas.

  11. Nice holiday selfies, Speedy!

  12. Good morning Speedy dear and mummy! Can you believe how fast Christmas is approaching and Hanukkah as well? May the light we seek illuminate our days in 2020.


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