Tuesday 3 December 2019

3rd December...day 3 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown

Today we stayed home as we had some chores to do...Laundry cleaning and finish Cleaning Pups Greenhouse after her finally injection for Mange....Has to be said the Greenhouse is looking spic and span....mum even put some cardboard down under fresh straw and leaves so its not so cold to walk on,only leaving the area under the shelving as Pup like to go toilet there sometimes...though mum said she might put some newspaper to make it easier to clean up.....In fact she said she will after doing this post.But here is what its looking now...
She's one lucky Hedgehog!

Now here is what you've really come to see my Christmas and Holiday Countdown so a couple of weeks ago we went to Endsleigh garden centre...

Some pretty cool stuff there! Now its time for a reminder of the rules to joining in....
The rules are as follow:
1:You have from Now until 5am UK time on Christmas morning to get your photo's into me.
2: You can email them to rachel dot dejong at googlemail dot com
3:You can post them on my Facebook Event Here
4:All photos will be posted here on my blog and on my Facebook Event
5:All photos have to be Either Christmas themed or some other Holiday theme Celebrated at this time of year!

And remember my Favourite 3 entries will get a little Christmas gift from your very own Santa Speedy!


  1. I'm starting to suffer from holiday overload.

  2. Very pretty and it sure is busy season here too Speedy!

  3. Everything looks so festive.
    Sue B

  4. That's pretty - the only place my human has been to so far that is tricked out for the holidays is CVS! MOL

  5. Such pretty decorations! Our mom hasn't gone to many stores yet, but there's still plenty of time!

  6. So festive. We have completed step one, taken the picture for your count down. Now must get it off the camera and sent to you.

  7. Hello sir Speedy! The countdown is on and that's half the fun. I hope Santa Paws brings you many years more of holiday cheer.

  8. Ho Ho Ho - looking mighty festive over there my boy!! And that is one lucky little hodge podge or what ever it is!!!


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