Sunday 8 December 2019

8th December....Day 8 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown!

OMB its another day closer to the main event when Santa or Sinter Klaas pays us all a visit to leave us a little something for Christmas day!And with that theme in mind today's guest is Sister Zoe from Brian's Home
Now doesn't she make the most adorable Santa Kitty?And come to think of it this also reminds us of a very special Christmas Song....

I think we all want to give Sister Zoe some Christmas kisses don't we?....hehehe
Anyway time to share a little bit from my Christmas House....Today we have my Passage and stairs....

And as for my Selfie well I'm sharing an old one from last Christmas.....
Hmm that reminds us....

Now time for a little reminder of the rules for those of you who want to join in....
The rules are as follow:
1:You have from Now until 5am UK time on Christmas morning to get your photo's into me.
2: You can email them to rachel dot dejong at googlemail dot com
3:You can post them on my Facebook Event Here
4:All photos will be posted here on my blog and on my Facebook Event
5:All photos have to be Either Christmas themed or some other Holiday theme Celebrated at this time of year!

And remember my Favourite 3 entries will get a little Christmas gift from your very own Santa Speedy!


  1. Recycling selfies? Is that allowed?

  2. Thanks for sharing Sister Zoe Speedy, that made her smile!

  3. Zoe is a purrfect Santa-girl! You look very spiffy in your holiday wear handsome Speedy - have a great week!

  4. Zoe is so pretty with her Santa hat ! Purrs

  5. Zoe is the perfect festive compliment to your beautiful decorations!

    Merry Bunmas!

  6. Zoe is a cutie and so are you. XO

  7. Sister Zoe is a gorgeous Santa Baby. We put out some Christmas decorations yesterday but don't have spaces to put out too much. I wish we had stairs or a fireplace mantle because it would give us more places to put decorations.

  8. Good morning Speedy Santa in his little red jumper! I just love seeing you every morning for the Christmas countdown! Happy day everyone!

  9. That red sweater or jumper is so festive on you Speedy!

  10. Sister Zoe is so cute with her Santa hat!

    Love how your Mom decorated the stairs. Our banister is solid and we can't attach anything to it...and we still have not even gotten our tree up...sigh...


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