Thursday 11 September 2014

9/11 Never Forget!

                                          We Will Never forget!


  1. It was a very DARK day for the entire World.

  2. No we will never forget 9/11 or our 7/7
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. We won't forget either, Speedy. It's still heartbreaking :( Soft Pawkisses <3

  4. Yes, we will never forget.
    And I hope that, in the futur, we will never know something horrible like this.
    But ....
    Nat à Chat

  5. We too will always remember and think of those that were lost and those that gave so much. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. We will never forget either.
    Sue B

  7. Thank you dear and great friends. I'll never forget that day, ever. And I just left a comment on Capt'n Speedy's invitation to his party! LOVE

  8. Indeed the world will never forget Speedy..lovely tribute...hugs and loves Fozziemum xx

  9. Can't believe it's been 13 years
    Lily & Edward

  10. 9/11 is a hard day for us. I knew many people affected by the terror that day since we lived so close and many family members of friends were killed. So sad, thank you for honoring it.

  11. I will always remember, Speedy. You picked a great picture.

  12. Yow Speedy me waz just beein born when diz happened. Aunti Mingflwoer waaz wif Mum n Mum told me it changed da way she thott about da werld around her...
    We purrayz diz neber happenz again!
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0


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