Monday 22 September 2014

Speedy's trip to the Vet!

Well Speedy did go to the vet today,he very nearly didn't as the lump had gone down but by 10am this morning it was back.....
Well this is a strange one this lump,the vet we saw was Chris he was the vet who did Speedy's eye surgery.After having a good look and trying to syringe out some fluid of which none came out he was at a bit of a loss having never come across a lump like this before,we asked if Speedy could have picked up something or was having a reaction to some ticks he had picked up on friday we finally managed to clear the last ones today as they were really titchy,Chris said it was possible but unlikely as there are no other symptoms and Speedy isn't unwell, and as there was no fluid then it doesn't look like an abscess  or it is a very early one that hasn't produced much in the way of pus so he gave Speedy and injection of antibiotics which will last 4 days it will also cover any other infection just in case.Chris also said it didn't feel like a cancerous growth ever so that is good news too and he checked the residue on the needle he used to draw out any fluid on a slide under the microscope and he found a little white blood cells and fat and said that wasn't to much to worry about, so he said how strange it was with this lump.
So its a strange one so we have to keep an eye on it  and if there is any change we will take Speedy back to the vets,but this isn't bothering him and he is still zooming and running about have fun,so I guess that is all that matters....its just very peculiar.
so here is one of the videos from Saturday night
sorry make that 2 videos
if you look at his left side the same side he had his eye removed you can see that it has a swelling or lump making it look bigger than his other side,all very strange!


  1. I hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about, Speedy. Let your hoomin mummy know if it's bothering you. Good luck! <3

  2. What a conundrum!! I'm glad the vet isn't too worried, but a puzzle all the same! As you say he is still zoomy! Sending purrs and headbonks xox

  3. We think that it is strange... however it is also GOOD news that it is not cancerous.. that is what we always think of First... We are sort of thinking that it is some sort of infection that the medicine will clear up right away... We are glad that it was a GOOD report... even though it IS Mysterious. POTP fur you Speedy.

    1. Hehehe yep its a mystery alright,thanks Guys,xx Speedy

  4. Poor little guy.... Well, he is romping around, so that is a good sign... I hope he is better real soon.

    1. Oh he's fine in himself,just very strange,xx Rachel

  5. Paws crossed that there is nothing to worry about with the lump. I wish the vet hadn't been so baffled by it - it's always better to have answers.

    1. I know but some times there aren't any answers we will have to wait and see Summer,xx Rachel

  6. This is great news! We hope things continue to go well. Speedy, it's wonderful to see you out on the moors. Lookin' good! Purrs....

  7. Well nothing is good news. We are purring for you Speedy

  8. This does sound quite strange. But it certainly looks as if Speedy is not really bothered by this lump at all. He certainly sped all around while out on his walk. We love watching his videos. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. very strange and yes he does,thank you all,xx Rachel

  9. Oh Speedy, poor baby. We have all our feets crossed that lump goes away
    Lily & Edward

  10. Dang, we will just hope that no news is good news for now Speedy!

  11. Hmmm... it does sound strange Rachel! I hope it turns out to be nothing serious. Sometimes these mystery cases can be a pain, but I'm glad to hear it's not really bothering him.

  12. Abscesses CAN start in a state in which no fluid can be drawn out of them. After days or weeks, they become softer and more yielding to the touch, as they fill up with the gross pus.

    Hopefully, antibiotics now will help prevent it getting bad.

    Take care, Speedy.

    Oh, and milk it... Make Hoomin Mummy fetch and carry things to you! Give a *THUMP!* when you want to call her over to request a treat like a grape, or some bunana! <3

  13. What a mystery? We are glad Speedy is still romping around etc and we hope it goes of it's own accord. Get better soon mate. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  14. Poor Speedy ! We're glad to hear that the vet isn't too worried about it ! We hope Speedy gets better very soon ! Purrs

  15. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about. We cross our eight paws, just in case :-)

  16. Keeping bunny ears crossed everything will be ok.

  17. dood....we hope by de time ya reed thiz ya iz doin even all ways de blessings
    oh St Francis two ewe for grate health ♥

  18. so glad it is looking like it isn't anything to worry about....hoping it stays that way!

  19. That certainly sounds like all good news. Hopefully, the medicine will make the bump go away once and for all. Keep hopping, buddy.

    Love and licks,

  20. We hope that lump is nothing. Purrs for Speedy.

  21. I am glad the lump appears to be nothing to worry about.

  22. I am late; I just got home, but I am ever so relieved to hear that the vet does NOT think it is cancer. Sweet Rachel, we are keeping Speedy in our hearts! He looks amazing, and is FASTER than lightening! He seems to be a happy bunny and thank goodness he is not sluggish or in pain!

    I know you'll keep us in the know. Big hugs to you sweet friends!

  23. Awww, my poor furriend! I definitely see a bit of swelling on your left side, but hoping it's nothing! Just an fyi: I have benign growths all over, sort of like warts, that really have no explanation. Hoping that it's something like this for you, my furriend, and nothing serious!! Although, an excessive amount of white blood cells usually means your body is fighting some kind of infection :/ Seriously hoping it's nothing, Speedy & Rachel! xoxo, Destiny & Asia

  24. Oh I am so sorry Speedy! I am glad to hear that the vet doesn't think it cancerous though!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  25. Yes the body is a funny thing but it sounds like some type of infection which the antibiotics should get rid of. The internet is a funny thing too, I have always enjoyed English Literature and so many novels involved the mysterious moors. I must admit I am rather delighted to have Speedy show them to me. HeeHee. Keep us posted, Speedy is on our POTP list. X

  26. Well, Speedy is a tough fellow and let us hope for the best!

  27. Cap-n Speedy, we hoping nothing is wrong, we don't need out bunny pal having issues!
    got our paws crossed it's nothing!

    The Mad Scots

  28. Speedy...we are so sorry we have missed the big party..i have been unwell and off the computer :( we will try very hard to catch up my sweet and feel just plain awful..when we saw you had been to the vets we were worried..Doc had a similar thing and it was a grass seed very deeply embeded.he need an op to remove it but it also had the vet puzzled..hope you are feeling much better and again we are so very sorry we have missed your big day...sending our loves Fozziemum and gang xxx <3 <3

  29. Lets hope the antibiotics work and it is just an early abcess! Love the videos!

  30. We are glad that the lump doesn't seem to be anything bad, but hope it goes away real soon!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  31. I am SO GLAD to hear it appears there is nothing wrong with Speedy!!! Praise God!!
    Lee in Texas

  32. I'm glad that it wasn't anything to worry about. Lumps that the vet can't explain drive me crazy! Take care Speedy! ♥

  33. I'm glad it probably has nothing to do with the bad C and I hope the injection will help to chase the lump away. I cross my paws for a happy and healthy Captain Speedy.

  34. Hope Speedy is okay! <3 keeping my fingers crossed xx

  35. WOW. That is most curious. It's not causing my little buddy any pain right? I'm praying for your little guy that it's just a regular swelling thing happening and will go away really soon. <3 XOXO - Bacon

  36. Glad to hear it looks like nothing serious! Keep speeding Speedy! x

  37. Glad to hear Dr. Vet doesn't think it's too serious! Maybe it was just a nasty reaction to a bitey bug bite? Or maybe it is bunny cellulite? Mom says cellulite is quite a pain in the butt, and on the butt! BOL!

  38. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, sounds like you are making your vet scratch his head and check his medical books on this one! BOL I'm sure it's nothing serious and your zoomie videos are very cute. Sending you my healing vibes to help that bump disappear.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  39. What a strange lump. Whee are pleased to hear it looks like it isn't anything serious. Whee know Buddy got a strange lump after being bitten by a red ant after he decided to dig up the nest. It took anti-biotics and a topical cream but he was right as rain in no time.

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

  40. We have never known anyone like you Speedy. And we are so fortunate to be your pal. Luvluvluv seeing you having so much fun

    1. Awww thanks Savvy,Sage and Mom L,you guys are amazing,xx Speedy

  41. We purray that it just will get away, Speedy. Pawkisses for Speedy recovery :D

  42. This is strange Speedy. But we are very very happy that the vet thinks it’s nothing serious.
    You really do enjoy your little trips “into the wild”…

  43. Hop Speedy iz watchin yer videoz n wishez me waz dere wif ya so we cuud run da Moorz n binky together!!!
    Dat lumpie iz a misstery fer shure n we iz glad yer okayz n we hopez it iz jsut a nuffin lump; me gonna saw purrayerz to KATGOD tonite!
    We sendz **paw kissez** n Lub t ya n yer Pawentz...
    Nylablue n Mum xxxxxxx

  44. Oh Cheeky Bunny. This is bothersome. Hopefully nothing more than your body's reaction to those pesty ticks. There is a lot they do not know about medicine, that is why they say they are 'practicing medicine.' They need a lot of practice, and sometimes, things just ARE. We will say a healing prayer for whatever it is. We recommend that you ask your humans for extra veggies and cuddles and milk it for as much as it is worth - Your friends at DogDaz

  45. Hoping for the best and no illness. One of our cats had a "puff" that appeared on his back right at the base of his tail. The vets could never quite figure it out. The aspirated it a few times, but as it would only decrease in size rather than increasing and did not seem to cause PetCat any discomfort, it was eventually just left alone. It never got much larger than a big grape. I think it bothered us more than it did him. Odd, those things.


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