Wednesday 3 September 2014

Update on Speedy

After spending all evening giving belly rubs and critical care food Speedy began to eat on his own around midnight just a little bit at first but after checking on him every hour by 2am he was eating a lot more so I finally got to go to sleep around 2 only to be up for work at 4am.His daddy kept an eye on him while I was at work I got home at 12.30pm and Speedy was back to normal.So we took him out for one last outing with Bashful and Pebbles as its time for Bashful to jet off home.Tomorrow we are giving Bashful a farewell party as he catches his plane on Friday.I'm off to bed early tonight as I have to work tomorrow and I am exhausted,so we will see you all tomorrow for the party!

But Before I go I want to thank you all for your wonderful comments and support and well wishes for Speedy,Thank you all of you,xx Rachel and Dad


  1. So happy that Speedy is back to normal!

  2. Oh I'm so glad he feels better! Hope he is completely mended quick, and with such good care I'm sure he will be.

  3. We're so happy to hear Speedy is eating on his own!!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. So relieved you're doing better, Speedy!! xo, Miss Destiny & momma

  5. So glad to hear Speedy is feeling better. I hope Speedy's Mum is able yak get some rest today.

  6. We're so glad Speedy is feeling better.

  7. So pleased to hear you're feelin' better, Speedy. So very, VERY pleased.


  8. YEA! We Beaglebratz r so furry much happee to hear that Speedy iz duin'better.
    Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

  9. Hooray and onwards and upwards Speedy and get some well earned rest mum. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. I am so thankful he is doing better. Hugs to you and Speedy.
    Sue B

  11. Oh yeah!!!! that is FABulous news Speedy!!!! WooooHoooo!!! Yes, it is time for an outing for sure! *High-Paw*!!
    Ruby ♥

  12. That wonderful Speedy news makes us so very happy!

  13. we are going to have to start calling him Energizer Speedy.. cause he keeps going and going..

    So glad he is doing better!

  14. Thankfully Speedy is better. We know you are so relieved. We'll be sure an stop by for Bashful's party. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  15. We are SOOOOOO glad that you are feeling MUCH Better now Speedy. THAT is Super news.

  16. dood.....mega happee ewe iz bak ta yur ole self...we will ask St Francis ta spare sum extree blessings, just coz one can never haz enuff.... ♥ make sure bashful & pebbles pass a portz R still good ☺

  17. We are thrilled Speedy is back to normal. We can't wait to hear about the party for Bashful :-)

  18. We will keep the purrs and prayers coming Speedy
    Timmy Dad and Family

  19. I am SO glad to hear that Speedy is better!

  20. Dear Rachel and Speedy.So happy to know that Speedy is a lot better.Try and get some rest.You need to be well and strong to care for "our boy"!!looking forward to Bashful's farewell party.Love and kisses to Speedy XXXX

  21. I am glad Speedy is feeling better.

  22. I am SO glad to hear that our love-bug Speedy is back to himself. We adore you both! And Bashful is on his way back home? What fun you created for Speedy and his friends. Get your rest dear friends. Anita

  23. Go Speedy, Go! I'm so hap-pee to hear that you're feeling good again!

  24. Thanks for the update, i'm glad he is feeling a bit better now.
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  25. Good work all! I know how frightening and worrisome it is when Bunny is not right ...

  26. Yow Speedy we haz bin reemiss fer not beein here fer ya n Miss Rachel. We iz bERY BERY reeleeved yer eatin again n we hopez da tummy iz fine now. Yer pawentz are da bestest beein up wif ya n carin fer ya.
    Oh a Pawty fer Bashfull...dat iz me haz to figure out how me can get to it ;)
    Me will bug Mum....MOL....
    Puttin me pawz together fer ya sweetie!
    Lue yer furendz Nylablue n (a bery notty Mum too ).

  27. Apaulogeez fer not beein here fer ya Speedy n Miss Rachel>>we uiz uttelree reeleeved all iz getiing back to normal. Mu iz havin trubble typin (her meddycayshun so she haz to go to bed now so we combe back tomorrow,)
    Get well soon Sweetie
    Nite nite Lub Nylablue xxxx

  28. Well done! Now you need the care and attention by getting some rest! Thank goodness Speedy is OK. Perhaps he had a small "blockage". Our anipals get them sometimes. :-(

  29. Whew! I am so happy that Speedy is feeling better. What's this about Bashful leaving? I haven't know y'all long but I thought bashful lived with Speedy. : (

    1. Thank you,Oh Bashful lives in the US and is going home to his Family he was with us for a vacation ,He was a lot of fun,xx Speedy

  30. Phew...So relieved to hear that Speedy is okay. Pawkisses :)

  31. Pleased to hear he has taken a turn for the better!!

  32. So glad sweet Speedy is on the mend..and as much as you stayed up and kept caring for him just make sure you really unwind..stress from the worry of a sick pet can creep up once all is well and get you when you least be nice to yourself for a little while :) loves Bev xxxx

  33. Glad to hear Speedy's better.....that's excellent news!!! Now you can relax and catch up on your own rest!

    Hugs, Pam and Sam

  34. Just heard that Speedy is unwell. Glad he's eating again, though. That's a good sign. Lots of feline cuddles, Speedy. Hope that helps.

  35. So glad Speedy is betters. It's gotta be all those belly rubs!!

    ♥♥♥Mona & Prissy

  36. Oh no, so sorry that Speedy hasn't been well as we've missed weeks of news! I am relieved to hear he is doing better, thanks to one tired mama. Lots of hugs and love and get well wishes. xo

  37. Speedy, perhaps you are sad because Bashfull is going on a journey!! Glad you are feeling better! xox

  38. I'm so glad you feel better Captain Speedy. Now you can celebrate a wonderful pawty for the Rolling Stone, yay!

  39. Glad you're better Speedy! What a scare :-(

  40. thank goodness he is ok!! Great news! xoxo

  41. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am glad that the gud ship ss speedy has ben righted and yoo ar feeling better!!! i am sorry yore frend bashful had to leev but perhaps he wil rock and roll his way bak for another visit sumday!!! ok bye

  42. Pleased to hear you're feeling better Speedy


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