Saturday 27 September 2014

Speedy is slowly on the mend!

Thankfully it looks like Speedy is on the mend slowly on the mend but  he is getting better,today his poops were a little better a little bigger not like normal but the shape is right so that is good.
He has been eating more but not like normal but I think going by the gurgles from his tummy yesterday and this morning he had a bit of gas,I was expecting this as Bunnies aren't normally on a liquid diet so this morning I was able to get to the chemist and picked up some infacol(simeticone) I gave him 1/2 ml this morning before something to eat that seemed to help and he had another 1/2 ml this afternoon before something to eat the gurgles have stopped for the moment.and I have stopped syringe feeding at the moment too as he didn't want it anymore, he is grazing on his hay and salad and just a little bit of his pellets and he even went outside in the garden a couple of times for ten minutes or so.
So he is getting to where he should be slowly so keep praying for his normal sized raisin like poops!

The only thing on Speedy's mind is his Pal Savannah as she is up to some big plan, wonder what it is he said he might have to go and ask her sisfur Sage what she is up to....any ideas everyone?


  1. Been watching your posts on Speedy and his upset tum. Poor little guy. I think your doing all you could possibly do. Having a trot around will help him. Lots of luvs little guy :-) x x x Get well soon X

  2. Glad Speedy is on the mend and getting ready to play with that cute kitty!

    Happy day to you ~ artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. That sounds like Speedy is well on the mend! let's hope he is completely well very soon! Xoxoxo

  4. Sending purrs for your continued improvement Speedy.

  5. We are sure happy to hear you are making progress Speedy and we are sending purrs and prayers for a speedy Speedy recovery!

  6. great if we would only have the same news about precious Flynn above

  7. Happy to hear Speedy is doing better!

  8. Wow! Good job Speedy! Hope you improve even more in the next few weeks!
    ❀Siamese Smothers and Tuxie Tickles❀ from Mikko and Jax at Happiness is Siamese!

  9. Speedy, we're glad you're doing better. :)

  10. Thank goodness Speedy is improving! I was so very very worried and was having trouble getting to your blog to get updated! Luv ya my friend!

  11. I'm glad to hear there's progress! I'm continuing to purr for Speedy as he recovers.

  12. POTP to our pal Speedy. keep up the good work.

  13. Glad to hear your little boy is starting to feel better! x

  14. Get better soon Speedy and so glad you are on the mend. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  15. in the morning to learn that our little Speedboat is off and running....a bit slowly, but at least he's happy.

    Many thanks to the heavens for looking over creatures both great, small and SPEEDY! MUCH LOVE!!!!

  16. Oh dearest Rachel, I am so happy to open my comments to see your presence. I send you and Speedy a big hug and that PEACE will fill your heart. I want little Speedy to get well TODAY! Oh, I just wonder what this is?


  17. Hope you'll feeling better day by day, dear Speedy. Healing Pawkisses :) <3

  18. We are praying for a speedy recovery. All the doggies and parakeets keep you in their thoughts.

  19. Me sweet n dahlin Speedy who me adorez wif all me heart...pleeze get well soon!! We iz so wurried 'bout ya..,,
    Yer me bestie bunneh n me cuud not bear to lose ya...pleeze get well..
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too
    Pee ess: WE iz doin POTP fer ya!
    Pee ess ess: Pleeze give Miss Rachel a kissey or 5,000 frum us too....

  20. Thats great to hear! Thanks for the update!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  21. We've known for a while what's been going on over at Savvy's, but we were sworn to secrecy. We are so happy we no longer have to keep mum. Glad you are eating on your own, dearest Speedy, and that you wanted to go outside. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  22. Thank you so much for the update! Great news!!! Keep the raisins coming Speedy!
    Marty and Mom


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