Friday 26 September 2014

Speedy Update

Chris gave us a little phone call and the good news is whatever is going on with Speedy its not Coccidiosis or any other parasite after looking at his poo sample,still at a loss to what is wrong.
Anyway I started giving Speedy his pellets mashed up with water as he isn't keen on the Critical care no fighting to get that into him,he just sits on the table with me holding the syringe in front of him and he licks it up as I slowly squeeze it out and the same with his hydration drink Yay!
and he ate a small plate of greens all by himself after looking for a bit of dinner,little bits of hay and a few dry pellets....not a huge amount But we will take that! still waiting for a bit more poop though so pray for nice raisin like droppings please!
I will let you know how Speedy is doing tomorrow.


  1. Paws up for improvement! And more purrs and I really hope he gets better soon!

  2. We hope everything goes well and that you'll get your "raisin like droppings" ! Purrs

  3. Well glad it's not coccidia. Although, that would be an easy fix. Your comment about the pellets in water reminded me of something we used to do for rabbits/tortoises with the critical care... we would mix it up very thick like and roll it up into "meatballs". For the ones who would eat a little on their own. Most of them like the taste anyways, but they don't like being force fed.

  4. Thanks for the update. Come on Speedy, let's get the all better finished up pal.

  5. I am praying for a return to full health for Speedy.I hope his appetite gets better over the weekend.It must be so stressful for you.Loving and thinking of you Speedy ,you be a brave boy for MummyXXX

  6. Glad Speedy is starting to eat and hope he continues to improve.

  7. Sounds much more positive, yeah !
    Loves and licks kisses for a continued improvement
    Princess Leah xxx

  8. Keep at it Speedy! May the hay be with you ;-)

  9. hopefully things are looking up! Poor little guy! xoxo Sending healing vibes his way!

  10. well...thats some good news, and he is eating a little, WAY TO GO SPEEDY!

    The Mad Scots

  11. Yea on the negative tests...paws crossed you gets better Speedy!! I gots my paws crossed real tight for you dude!!!
    Ruby ♥

  12. Oh that is great news! Thanks for the update, I have been thinking about poor sweet Speedy :(
    Sending MORE AND MORE slobbery husky kisses and ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. Oh that's great Speedy!
    Come on now, just poop! MOL!
    ❀Siamese Smothers and Tuxie Tickles❀ from Mikko and Jax at Happiness is Siamese!

  14. We purr that Speedy is better real soon.

  15. Gload to read that Speedy is recovering slowly, Hope he continues to get better.

  16. That is great news and we continue sending healing vibes and POTP and of course Bunny Power. Speedy get well soon. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  17. We're sending Extra Healing Pawkisses, sweet one :) <3

  18. Sweet friends, Speedy is on my prayer list and I believe with all my heart that the love of the supreme being considers the creatures of the earth....and the human hearts of those who love them. GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Hi Speedy, sending poo vibes to you.
    I'm glad it's not coccidiosis, did they check for bacterial stuff like e.coli too? Perhaps you are something that didn't agree with you? Is lay off the veg until you are eating lots of Hay anyway. Did you get baytril or another type of anti biotic? That stuff is yucky! You rabbits are so worrying when you get ill as you are very good at hiding how bad you are feeling! Feel better soon! Lickies, Ludo.

  20. So glad he is doing better. Keeping bunny ears crossed that he will start eating on his own and be back to his normal happy bunny self. It's weird, but Harrington had a huge bout of diarrhea this week too! I've had him four years and he has never had that. Then he had those little mouse turds too. Weird. He's back to normal now. Hugs to you and Speedy.

  21. Great that he feels a little better, hope he is back to normal soon. oh wait... Happy Hoppy International Rabbit Day to you Speedy!

  22. Hang in there, Speedy. Prayers for a return to good health.

  23. Every little improvement is a step forward. Thanks for the updates. Keep it up Speedy!

  24. Glad to hear you are better Speedy, and that Vet Chris didn't find anything seriously wrong. Hope you continue to improve and eat more on your own. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. That's such good news. Keep getting better Speedy


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