Sunday 21 September 2014

Sunday Selfie with The Cat on My Head!

I'm joining The Cat on My Head for their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Mummy's First good photo of me Blowing a Raspberry.....hehehehe!

On a bad note We have found a lump on Speedy's left shoulder so he will be off to the vets tomorrow to find out what it is,it looks like he has had it a little while a week or so but its only today I really noticed it as its getting quite big,but looking back over the videos that I have taken I can see its been there a week or 2 but probably not much longer than that  but its difficult to tell as he is still a bit chubby.On the chubby side of things his harness needs to be done up a bit tighter now so since he's been going out for his walks he is trimming up and the fur on his back feet have grown back apart from a little patch on his left back foot and his Front paws aren't to bad either the fur is still a bit short but no sores so that's a bit of good news.And he is eating and pooping well and is running about well to and doesn't appear to be bothered by the lump,only last night we took him to his favourite spot on the moors where the wild bunnies are and he was doing lots of super fast zoomies and Binky's I had trouble keeping up with him,he had the nonsense in him and was very happy and excited to be up there,but I couldn't get those bits on video,but I will show the videos I took when I have uploaded them.
As for the Lump I am concerned but not too worried as I think it some kind of abscess from what I can feel and they seal themselves off in the body so it doesn't make them ill or cause pain unless it is inside the abdomen,so if it is what I think it is he will probably have to have a little surgery to remove it.It is quite common in rabbits.But please don't worry too much I know that it is hard not to,but I just wanted to let you know everything so its not too much of a shock when we have seen the vet.Sometimes you think what now when he has been through so much as a young bun,But as I said I am concerned but not worried,I will let you know tomorrow the outcome of his trip to the Vet. 


  1. You are looking terrific Speedy and we are sure sending you lots of purrs and prayers my friend!

  2. Sending purrs and prayers that Speedy's lump is nothing serious and doesn't require any surgery. We love watching all his outings, and we would hate for him to be side-lined for a while. Thank you so very much for joining, supporting and purrmoting our Sunday Selfies blog hop. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. Oh silly Speedy! We hope the vets goes just fine! xoxoxoxox, Ku and the whole pack

  4. Keeping you and Mum in my prayers

  5. Dearest Rachel and Sir Speedy! GOOD MORNING! You look so precious little man, making a raspberry! Yes, you are a chubby little one, and let us hope that this lump is indeed an absess. I will be looking out for further news on your condition little friend and baby! LOVE YOU LOTS!

  6. Oh Speedy I love your raspberry!! MOL wishing you all the best and send megapurrs for your trip to the evil v e t !! We hope it's just an abcess and nothing more!! xoxox

  7. Oh no, so sorry Speedy. Hopefully your right and it is just an abscess.
    Sending slobbery husky kisses and ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. Speedy, you look great in your harness
    Fingers crossed for the VETman visit
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  9. Funny selfie, Speedy. :)

    We hope the lump is nothing. It's so nice to hear you having fun doing zoomies.

  10. OH SPEEDY.... that is a WONDERFUL RASPBERRY... We think it is PERFECT.

    Now about the bumpy Lump... we are sorry that you must go to the Vet to have this looked at... butt that is fur the BEST.. get it checked and be SURE that all is well.
    We are sending you POTP... just fur a bit of insurance...
    WOW you got to go cavorting where the WILD ONES Live.... THAT is super.

  11. Very cute selfie. We hope you get good news from the vet and your lump isn't anything serious.

  12. Oh No, yes weez gunna worry. But weez will also be purrayin' dat it not be serious and can be quickly taken cawe of.

    Luv ya'


  13. that's so cute Speedy, your mom totally catched the best moment :o) I cross my paws for you and I hope for good news tomorrow. I know you are a brave pirate captain and you will manage that appointment with the vet very well.

  14. Oh no we so hope it is nothing to worry about and all goes well at the vets. Fingers and paws crossed over here for you Speedy. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  15. what a lovely photo of Speedy! Hope the lump turns out to be nothing to worry about...

  16. I hope you are right, and Speedy's lump is no big deal - sending some purrs just in case!

  17. Seriously Speedy, yous is looking good! Mes is gots my claws crossed about the abcess/lump!

  18. That's a very cheeky look, Nephew Speedy!

  19. Hope it's nothing too serious Speedy. Will be thinking of you xx

  20. "Eatin' and poopin' well..." Peeps. They're always tellin' everyone our private business. I KNOW 'cause my peeps do it, too. MOUSES!


  21. I love this picture of you Speedy. You little tongue is very cute !
    We are sending lots of positive thoughts to you. Everything will be okay !

  22. I hope it is not so bad !!!... Speedy, your pic here is lovely. Take care.
    Best wishes to Rachel & Speedy Aquileana :)

  23. Speedy and Rachel we are keeping you in our purrs and prayers that your vet visit goes well tomorrow and it is something simple. Thanks so much for the wonderful party! Can't wait to see your latest video too!
    Marty and the Gang

  24. Sending purrs that everything is okay when you go to the vet Speedy. Which vet do you usually see? I see Kristina.

  25. Mom and I will say prayers for you, Speedy. Soon your bump will be gone and forgotten and you'll be fine. Hang in there, buddy.

    Love and licks,

  26. We will thinking about you tomorrow, Speedy and sending Extra Healing Pawkisses your way <3

  27. Speedy that's a great Raspberry. Praying for you Speedy. Hope your vet visit goes good. Hugs to you.
    Sue B

  28. "SPEEDY SPEEDY!!!"
    Yer selfie iz pawsum n we lubz ya doin a razzberry...such a purrty pink tongue!
    Haz a bunderfull binky filled Sunday dere!
    Miss Rachel me n Mum will say sum purrayerz n we iz gonna doez POTP fer sweet Speedy. We not gonna hit da PANICK button 'cause ya iz not wurried....butt we iz concerned n we will check fer uppydatez. Pleeze nose we lubz Speedy n ya lotz n lotz....
    Yer furendz in rainin soggy Canada, Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0

  29. Dear Speedy.You are going to be a brave pirate tomorrow visiting the vet.I will be praying for you and mummy.God bless you,sweetheart,Lots of love and hugsXXXX

  30. What a great picture of you, Speedy. We're purring that the lump is nothing serious and the vet takes care of it, no problem.

  31. Speedy, we are sending you and your family lots of bunny wishes. You'll be fine. ♥

  32. You take one pretty selfie Speedy!! We are sending lots of POTP your way....
    Get Well Soon Smileys!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  33. aaww Speedy my dear friend - you look awesome in that picture. Raspberries huh? I gotta remember to do that with Houdini. As far as the 'bump', I'm sending healing vibes and thoughts your way. Here's to a quick healing from it!! XOXO - Bacon

  34. Oh nos! Maybe it's just a little fatty tumor. Duncan has tons of "doggy cellulite" so maybe you has bunny cellulite, despite your awesome workout routine. ;) Get better soon!!

  35. That is one excellent selfie! We really hope that lump is nothing important and hope you are getting good news today. We will think of you.

  36. Praying that all is ok with Speedy. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

  37. Oh Speedy, i thinks you look FABulous!!! I LOVES the raspberry pic!!! I do that to Ma often, and I recommend it to all my furiends!!! BOL
    I sure hopes that lump is just a fatty lumps like we pups get. Nothin' to worry abouts, and lots of times our just burst on their own, butt sometimes they need some help. I'll keep my paws crossed real tight for you!!!!
    Ruby ♥


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