Monday 9 January 2017

Disapproving Bun Day!

Hello and Welcome to another Disapproving Bun Day!Today's star is a special one because it is also an introduction too!Because Mr Bun over at Disapproving Bun sadly Crossed the Rainbow Bridge a while ago but his Humans have now Adopted 2 Buns and today you get to Meet Espresso!
"Yes its My Poop what of it Hoomin?"

Thanks to the Humans of Disapproving Bun!remember to hop on over to see them for more disapproving bunnies!

And remember we always need more Disapproving Bunnies so please send in you photo's to me at [email protected]


  1. Oh, Speedy, thank you so much!!! - Espresso and Latte

  2. So glad they got to bunnies. Bet Mr. Bun is looking down on them
    Lily & Edward

  3. Hoomans (aka.. Peeps) Do have a THINGY with Poops, don't they?

  4. We approve of your disapproving Expresso!

  5. Oh,good gravy. I love to see the new ones but I hate to see the incumbents leave us.

  6. BOL! You knows, sometimes doggies to that too.....not pointing paws or anythings....
    Ruby ♥

  7. So sorry to hear about Mr. Bun. 😢
    However, happy to meet you Espresso.

  8. Espresso is a HANDSOME bun too! Love the rich brown color and white paw!

  9. OOH! Mr. Expresso has a KICK to his attitude like a strong little cup of expresso! teeeeheheee

  10. Welcome Mr Expresso. You are a nice looking bunny.

  11. Yup. We are going to have to deal with Espresso and his unique forms of disapproval for a long time I guess.

  12. Espresso may be giving a bit of a sideways glance, but he sure is handsome. Hopefully we get to see Latte here too.

  13. Mee-you Espresso iss luvley to meet you!!! Yur hansum.....
    Grate mew furend you have there Speedy.
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxx

  14. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i think that bunny is saying its my poop and yoo kannot hav it!!! i bet it wood be delishus tho!!! ok bye


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