Friday 13 January 2017

Reggie the Hedgehog Update

Hello everyone just a little update on our winter guest Reggie the Hedgehog.He/She has now been Hibernating for nearly 3 weeks, that's 19 days straight.Last night we had some snow/sleet and hail and rain followed by a frost so its good the Reggie is safely tucked up in his/her nest under the shed with dry snacks and water waiting should Reggie wake up.
We have decided to give Reggie His/Her own page since he/she is now a long term resident.We have put all of the updates on that page so that anyone can look back over Reggie's story and all future Updates will go on there as well as on my own posts.And we will do another page with information on how to help Hedgehogs in your gardens with links to wildlife/rescue sites.These pages can be accessed from the tab bar at the top of my blog once both have been published.Reggie's is already up there but here it the link to the page as well........Reggie the Hedgehog's Page


  1. Hello Speedy bunny and mum! Good to hear that Reggie is doing well and that he's getting his own page! I will be right there!

  2. WE love hearing about Reggie the Hedgie...

  3. A whole page for a sleeping hedgehog!

  4. You stay warm Reggie. We'll visit your page
    Lily & Edward

  5. Thanks for letting us know how Reggie is doing during these cold days and nights. ♥

  6. Mee-you Reggie iss goin to bee an Inntynet *star*!!!!
    Wee are so happy Reggie is safe with you Speedy an Aunty an Unccle!
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx an (((hugsss))) LadyMum

  7. How sweet to give a page to Reggie!

  8. Reggie the hedgie has it pretty good at your place. Glad to hear s/he's weathering the winter safely.

  9. That is so terrific to give Reggie a page.It will be fun to see a hedgehog and how they do. Have a good rest of the day.


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