Thursday 12 January 2017

Speedy's Movie Day!

Hello everyone its Movie Day!Today we have my first outing to my favorite spot on the moors and my Treat ball fun....Enjoy the show!

Well that all for this week's Movie Day,hope you enjoyed the show!


  1. I enjoyed your movies today, Speedy! You are such an adventure bun. Don't you want to chew on that treat ball?

  2. speedy...thoz treez R total lee awesum { movee one round 1:09 ore sew } ....due ewe noe what kind they iz....N yur treet ball rockz...catz wood even like it !! ♥♥♥

  3. We would love to walk on those moors with you, Speedy. And Misty would have a lot of fun with a treat ball like that.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  4. OMB Speedy... after a nice HOP around the Moor... that treat ball must have tasted Fabulous...

  5. I think you enjoyed the trip out to the moors better than the treat ball!

  6. It's always fun to see you out and about.
    Silly Mum, Speedy is too smart for that ball. He already got the treats out!

  7. OF COURSE you figured out the treatie ball!!! Aren't peeps funny??! Do they thinks that if there were any treaties LEFT in there you wouldn't be all overs that?! BOL
    Oh, and I LOVED you clapping for yourself! hehehe that was priceless! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  8. Yeah, can't blame ya. Speedy. I'd take a grand day out over any treat every time ;-) <3

  9. Mee-ou Speedy thee movies are pawsum!! Mee eated mee sup-purr an watchedyou hiphoppin about...
    Thee naralee tree inn thee ferst movie iss you look so happy! An wee luv thee horse inn yur second iss hansum an you look so happy!
    An yur third movie yur so clevurr an so happy!
    Woo Hoo!!! Yur such a 'Happy Bunny' an wee iss all wayss happy when wee watch yur moviess!!!!! :)
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry an ((hugsss)) LadyMum xxxx


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