Sunday 8 January 2017

Sunday Selfies

Today its Sunday so that means its time to join in with the Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop
This is in honor of all my friends across the pond who are getting lots of snow at the moment,we do get snow here on Dartmoor but not very often and then its only a dusting.Mummy said about 7 or 8 years ago we had a lot of snow 2 years running and it was freezing all winter long and didn't start to warm up until the end of April.Being only 5 years old that was a bit before my time,but I would like to see some proper snow and play in it....may be this winter we will as we have had some pretty cold days the have been sub zero at night and just barely getting above freezing in the day.It doesn't last though cause then it turns to cold and damp which is yucky but paws crossed for a bit of snow!

Just a little update on Reggie the Hedgehog for you!Reggie has been fully asleep since Christmas Day!Reggie moved back to the nest site under the shed and mummy stuffed some extra nesting materials under the shed for extra warmth.So Reggie has now been asleep for two weeks.Mummy will continue to check the food and water bowls daily so we will know when Reggie wakes up again.

And we had some more Christmas cards so this is what the final wall and doors looked like before it was all taken down...


  1. Nice winter selfie, Speedy! Reggie has no idea how well he is being taken care of... mainly because he is hibernating! MOL

  2. Snow isn't nearly as fun as it looks ... but you're pretty decked out in your selfie, so maybe you wouldn't mind. Looking super handsome, as always, Speedy.

  3. Speedy, We are having tons of snow in Vancouver.
    Your Furend
    Louis Dog Armstrong
    Blogville Director of Arts & Entertainment

  4. Fabulous selfie Speedy!

    Happy Sunday


    Basil & Co xox

  5. Speedy the snowman (or bunny)! Oh little snowman, we are going to get hit tomorrow and Tuesday, and you should see the BUNNY TRACKS in the snow after it's fallen. When we go out into our garden to get to the trash bins, we see little paw prints. They look to me like COWBOY BOOTS! But it's your American cousins, hopping about!

    Stay warm little one!

  6. It's all about global warming.

  7. Gizmo & Ebony: Speedy! It kind of bees da same here where wees bees in da US! Wees don't gets much snow at all. Fwiday deys said wees would gets 4 inches (abouts 10.16 cm)of da fluffy white stuff and wees only gots 2 inches (abouts 5.08 cm)! Mommy said hers 'members when hers was a little girl dat der was always snow! Now it just bees a tiny bit of snow and hers can't bwing any in fur us unless it snows at least 6 inches (15.24 cm)!

  8. That is a nice winery selfie, Speedy. I remember when we had lots of snow and me and Eric went for walks in it. Then we came back and warmed up by the wood burner. The lane was almost blocked so dad used to go into the village in his tractor. The people with horses here had to leave their cars in the village and walk down the lane to get to them. My mum was busy looking after the horses for the people who couldn't get here.

  9. Can I borrow your hat? It's chilly here today. You have a lovely collection of cards.

  10. You look very handsome all dressed up Speedy :) You would like frolicking in the snow! Your cards look great. Have a great Easy!!!
    Marty and the Gang

  11. Fankss fur thee shout out about thee snow!!! Wee have over FIVE that is 5 FEET of thee white stuff!!! Today iss thee last day of snow an then wind shiftsd an wee get back to normal, mew mew mew....
    Speedy you lookss so snazzy inn yur jackit an two-que!!!! Mee needss doggie sockss to go out inn this cold!!! BBRRR...
    Fankss fur linlin mee uppy :)
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

  12. I have never seen a rabbit looking more fashionable. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  13. That's a lovely seasonal selfie this week, Speedy, sure makes a change from all the rain, fog, and wind we seem to be having. Hoping our Canadian and US pals get some sunshine pretty soon. Purrs ERin

  14. What a great wintery selfie Speedy!

  15. Oh Speedy! What a wonderful picture! And Speedy, mes wishes yous could has come to Prince George! Mes sure yous would has loved riding Marvin the Moose and tormenting Cow Kitty with mes and Shoko and Kali!
    Loves yous lots dear heart
    Your Nellie Bellie

  16. Very cute selfie!

    No snow here in London.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  17. You look so cute in your hat. You always look cute though.

  18. It is Colder than FREEZING here... so we think Reggie the Hedgie has the RIGHT idea.. HIBERNATE until SPRING Returns some warmer weather...
    You should be GLAD that you don't get SNOW... Brrrrrrrrrr

  19. Speedy you look very handsome in your snowy selfie!! We don't get much snow either. Just one year during my lifetime!! xx

  20. Speedy, we do love the snow but we never seem to get enough here. We got a couple of inches last week but we think a foot or more would be great!!! Of course, Mom doesn't agree with us at all:)

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  21. You're braving that snow with such style.
    Do you expect Reggie to be sleeping for a while longer or do hedgies wake up often in the winter to eat?

  22. LOVE the snow bunny look!!! and it is great to hear Reggie is ot for the count (as he should be little imp!!)

    Happy Sunday Selfie,

    The Dash Kitten Crew

  23. That selfie makes us feel warm, Speedy!

  24. Love your Christmas cards sweet friend!! And snow - bbrr. thank goodness we didn't get any - this time around! Snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO - Bacon

  25. Lovely winter Selfie, Speedy. I think I follow Reggie's example and don't wake up until Spring is in :D Hot Pawkisses for a warm wintersday :) <3

  26. Love your selfie Speedy.
    Sue B

  27. Good to see you all warm and bundled up, Speedy :-) We're having an official second day of Winter, in the warm parts of the colonies ;-)

  28. We love your hat and sweater set Speedy! You are such a cutie :)

    the critters in the cottage xo


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