Monday 2 January 2017

The First Disapproving Bun Day of 2017!

Yes it's time for Disapproving Bun Day And who better that the Queen of Disapproval to Start the New Year and the First Disapproving Bun Day of the Year!It's.....Miss Lola!
I believe Miss Lola is unhappy at having the Paparazzi following her around!

Thanks to her Mummy Jade for sending this photo in.

We always need more photo's of Disapproving Buns so send them in to me at [email protected]

And for more disapproving bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun ,go on they have two new family members to welcome in to Blogville so please hop on over and tell them Speedy sent you!


  1. Miss Lola is the perfect choice to start off this new year. She has such class when it comes to making her disapproval apparent. Let the year begin!

  2. That is a most disapproving bun if we ever saw one! We hope the New Year is going good for you and sending soft purrs to your Mum and Dad if they still have their holiday colds.

  3. Miss Lola is much too cute to be disapproving. LOL!

  4. Miss Lola has beautiful furs.

  5. Speedy I want to wish you a Happy New Year. I am so happy to have a bunny furend!
    From Vancouver
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  6. Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!! Mes knows EXACTLY how Miss Lola feels!!! And mes bets mes has the same look on my face!

  7. She definitely has a very disapproving look. Happy New Year!

  8. Aww ... Miss Lola's a beautiful disapproving bun!

  9. Miss Lola from the Copacabana! teheheheheheheh you are a famous bunny, and no wonder you're fussy about your photo. You are a cutie!

  10. You are precious Ms Lola
    Happy New Year
    Lily & Edward

  11. Perfect choice. I know that bun. She took over for the nearly irreplaceable Mr. Mick!

  12. Miss Lola you are cute.
    Happy New Year.

  13. Indeed, how come they are not following you with plate of treats, eh? <3 Snorgles to you! :-)

  14. Mee mee-you Lola yur a **star**!!!
    So purrty an diss-approving....purrfect!
    ***nose kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

    Pee S.: Aunty Rachel an Speedy wee LUV thee mew Header you are usin!!! Pawtastick!


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