Wednesday 25 January 2017

Guest Post: What is a Pet Camera by Michael Cramer

Today we have a Guest post about Pet Camera's By Michael Cramer.As you know we use Camera's with Speedy and hope you find this artical ineresting.

What is a Pet Camera? Stay updated with everything your pet does in real time! Get a pet cam to enjoy piece of mind that your pet is OK even when you’re away!

What Does A Pet Camera Do

Today’s modern world lets you stay updated with everything you’re concerned about. You can even watch your pet and talk to it when you’re far away through pet cameras.

 Of course, when you want to watch your pet, you can install a simple home camera, but we recommend you use a special device designed specifically to monitor pets, because it has some advanced options, such as the capability to speak to your little friend live, integration with social accounts and links you up to larger communities of pet lovers.

 In addition, one of the features is sound and motion alerts, which notify you about everything your pet is up to. I must admit that sound and motion alerts were especially useful for me as a dog owner many times, for example when my dog was anxious or when I was worried he wasn’t eating or sick.

 I can use my pet cam to monitor my dog the whole day when I have to leave him alone. What’s more, if you are looking for ways to treat anxiety in dogs, I’d recommend installing a camera like this because it can help keep you get notified if any symptoms of anxiety occur and you can take corrective measures as soon as possible.

How To Use Pet Cameras

Using a pet camera is not difficult. You do not need to be tech savvy to learn how to use it or have any prior experience or special equipment. Simply follow the included instructions, which are straightforward and easy to understand. Typically, all you need to do is download and launch an app on your smartphone – and follow the onscreen steps.

 Of course, since there are many providers of pet cameras, they may have different features. Some might have the ability to do everything you want, while others might not be the best fit for you, but, in most cases, any pet surveillance device is easy to use. Plus, it comes with a quick start guide, where every step of setup and using it is described, meaning you could be up and running in minutes. Needless to say, no matter which device you choose, it should:

  • Stream in at least 720p HD video with a 138° wide angle view
  • Run on Android and iOS devices
  • Have 2-way audio to talk to and hear your pets.

This post was writen by Michael Cramer,He asked us if he could guest post on our Blog,We haven't recieved any payment or products for posting this article.We have posted this article on pet camera's as we are great advocates of these type's of camera's for using with your pet's.The links in this Post take you to which is a Pet Camera that some of my friends in the US use and while I haven't as yet used one yet I do hope to one day try one.


  1. We have a spy camera at our house
    Lily & Edward

  2. We sure have been tempted to get one of those things Speedy!

  3. Hello Speedy! It's a great idea to have one of these just to make sure everything is safe and sound, AND in some instances, to find out who ate the food left out on the counter!!!!!!

  4. Pet rocks and pet cameras are in the same category. Useless. Neither is cuddly.

  5. Thanks for the tip, Speedy. We're thinking about something like that for Espresso and Latte :-)


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