Monday 16 January 2017

Disapproving Bun Day

Welcome to Disapproving Bun Day!Last week you met Espresso this week you get to meet his pal Latte from Disapproving Bun.....So here is Latte!
               " What?The boxes are Mine Hoomin!!"

Don't forget to hop on over To Latte and Espresso's Blog Disapproving Bun to see all the latest Disapproving Bunnies

And as you know we always need more photo's of Dispproving Bunnies so send them in to me at [email protected]


  1. Latte is just adorable and it's difficult for such a cute bunny to appear disapproving.

  2. Squeals!! What a cutie sweet friend! XOXO - Bacon

  3. Ahhhh, Latte! Making the rounds already :-) Thank you so much Speedy and Rachel!!! <3

  4. What a little cutie! You bet those boxes are yours.

  5. Latte is gorgeous! Those markings!!! Sometimes a bun just needs some box chewing time :)

  6. Oh I love Latte... and what a fab name your humans picked... it's perfect for a little bunny :o)

  7. Of course the boxes are yours Latte. You are a cute bunny.

  8. What an adorable bunny you are Latte!Your furs are very pretty! We bet no one would dare take your boxes away ...;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  9. Mee-you yur thee King Latte!!! An hansum all so!
    Siddhartha Henry =^,.^= an Sherri-Ellen :)

  10. Ohhhhh Latte, you are PRECIOUS! Eat away little bunster, yes, the boxes are yours!


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