Sunday 24 June 2012

The One Lovely Blog Award

Nerissa from Nerissa's Life

Hi everyone I have had a very lovely surprise today,I was given an award for "The One Lovely Blog" by this fellow here called Nerissa who has a very cool blog called Nerissa's Life and before anyone Say's yes I know He's a cat and I'm a bunny.Anyway I digress I couldn't believe it that me Speedy would be given an award so first things first A BIG THANK YOU TO NERISSA for giving this award to me.
Now as part of having this award I have to list 7 interesting things about my self and nominate 15 other deserving blog for the same award and link back to the blog who gave it:
1:I'm a 8 month old boy Himalayan Rex
2:I love to do My Houdini Act and go on lots of adventures
3:My favourite Greens are parsley and Coriander
4:I love to trampoline on my Mum
5:I love any excuse to have a Party
6:I like running about as fast as I can
7:And most of all I love to come up with lots of mischief making
Ok the award goes to..... Trumpets Please!
1:A House of Rabbits.
2:Art in the Wind
3:Brookside Philosopher
4:Binkies &Flops
5:Blabber Bun
6:Cat Chat
7:Fairy Castle Farm
8:Fuzzy Creatures
10:Little Fluffy Creatures
11:Rabbits Eats Quilts
12:Rabid Tidbits
13:The Raspberry Rabbits
14:The Zen of Bun
15:Two Bunny Blog
Speedy playing with his scarf

Today I was going to throw a party for Cat Chat for their wedding anniversary but I guess we all get to party for todays awards TOO!
And to those who didn't get a mention all your blogs are great but there so many to choose from.But for Now lets Party!


  1. Talk about speedy! Speedy, you're the speediest bunny there ever was!!! I was just coming over to tell you 'bout the award (even though I already knew you knew 'cause you left those lovely comments on my blog but I was gonna come give you official notification anyway) you won and here you are with it up already. WOW! Am I EVER impressed. Like you say, you're speedy! purrs

    1. Thanks Nerissa,but thats ma Speedy the fastest bun in the west!

  2. YAY Speedy! Congrats and felidades!!!

  3. What a lovely award you got...and your baby Speedy is so cute!

    1. Thanks,Speedy is cute but he's ever so Cheeky!

  4. So many interesting facts about you Speedy. I loved reading them and thank you very much for nominating our blog.

    1. Thank you,we had to nominate you too as there is always something nice on your blog

  5. Congrats on your award, Speedy! Thanks for the nomination as well.

    1. you have a lovely blog to and Mr Mick always give us a giggle!

  6. Speedy - are you going to [get your Mum] knit a trophy cover? (hee hee)

    Congrats and thank you for the award! I even have a Freddie tail.. er, tale, to go with it :)

    1. Lorna!you are Naughty always getting me in to trouble...HEEHEE!

  7. Celebrations around! Congratulations and thanks for the pass-on!

    1. We Just Love your gang and Blog.we always have a little giggle!

  8. Sweeeeeeeeeet! Many congratulations to you and thank you so very much, speedy!! You are one awesome bun, for sure! *HUGS!* xoxo! : )

  9. Speedy we are DEEPLY, DEEPLY appreciative but we have received this award a while ago!! ((((hugs)))) you wouldn't have known!!! We are having an awful time keeping up with these....we want you to know we soooooooooo appreciate this and we LOVE YOU!!!

    1. it just goes to show how lovely you guys are,love ya too!

  10. Hello sweet one and many congratulations to you! Thanks for passing such good things on to us!
    bunny hugs!

  11. Hay (get it lol) Speedy that is so bun-tastic of you to mention us in your list :) Congratulation on your awesome award! what a week for you... hugs and nosebumps, Sweetie xx

    1. you guys are lovely too..Heehee*a giggling* Speedy

  12. Concatulations on your award! And thanks yous for coming and visiting me! Me did not know yous was a friend of Cody's too! Any friend of Cody's is a friend of mine.

    1. Ooo that means you can come and have adventures here too!YAY!xoxoSpeedy


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