Friday 8 June 2012

Update on Speedy's trip to the vets

Hi everyone I want to thank you for all your well wishes for Speedy,Speedy and I both really appreciate them.
So here's the update after we went to the Vets,It is as we thought Speedy does indeed have Glaucoma in his left eye and it is hereditary.The Vet did say that there are eye drops that can be use to help release the pressure in the eye but they don't work that well and can cause other problems,and should only be used if the eye is bothering him but as it isn't causing Speedy any discomfort that it should be left alone.After the Vet examined both of Speedy's eyes he seemed to think that speed has already lost the sight in that eye me I'm not so sure I still think he may still have some vision but that will deteriorate  over time probably the next few months.As for Speedy's right eye that is in good health and has no abnormalities in it that may change it may not but only time will tell.So Speedy is going to o.k just going to be partially sighted but that won't stop him from being the Cheeky House Rabbit that he is!

Nope it won't stop me,I'm still going to have my fun!


  1. You are still perfect, Speedoo. NOSE BEEP ON YOUR NOSE BUTTON!

  2. that's right!! Speedy is a brave and strong boy and will be just fine!! ((((hugs))))

    1. He will always be a cheeky boy and nothing phazes him

  3. Rabbits can adapt surprisingly well to things like that (although they like to think otherwise). You may have to make some adjustments to his environment to help him if his sight deteriorates, but overall, he should do just fine.

    1. we'll deal with that when we cross that bridge adn so far he has let it stop him and he's had the problem from when we brought him home at 4 months its just that we could see the eye was get worse when we came back from holiday

  4. OH sweets, I'm sending you and your sweet lil' speedy a great big *HUG!*, LOVE and lots of good happy rabbity energies! Hang in there, both of you and all will turn out A-OK!!!
    B&F & Twinkle & Cookie

    1. I think Speedy is lucky that he came to us,as he gets the best of everything,had he gone some where else he might not have been so lucky.But he's ok had a great fun day today helping me with the laundary,running around out side,playing with me in the kitchen and sneaking in to next door and having lots of cuddles

  5. Speedy's a smart guy. He'll be OK. We could start a Blind Bunnies Unite campaign. Advocate for seeing eye gerbils. Walking sticks (although they'd probably eat them). Talking cell phones with GPS locators. Although the radar ears probaly handle the job quite well.

    1. love the Idea,but you're right Speedy is smart,a bit too smart some times though

  6. I'm so very glad that Speedy is gonna be fine. It's unfortunate - of course - 'bout his sight but the really important things are that he has lots of love, food in his tummy and a warm place to sleep at night. And it's pretty clear to me that he has ALL those things. Yeah for Speedy! purrs

    1. Thanks Nerissa,at least its only in his left eye and paws and fingers crossed it won't develope in the right.Speedy sends snuggles to you!

  7. Very glad to hear that Speedy is doing okay!

    1. yes he is and he's busy out and about in the garden at the moment before the rain comes again!

  8. So glad he is ok. Precious little boy he is.

  9. Oh Rachel, there's no holding Speedy back..glaucoma or not. He will always be your cheeky boy! Glad he's doing good..who else would keep you on your toes? hehehe

  10. Oh, Speedy! I am so glad you have a hoomin to take good care of you! I sure hope your eye never bothers you! You Sweetie!


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