Wednesday 27 June 2012

Speedy prize draw reminder

Pink or Cream and Blue
Don't forget to enter Speedy's Prize draw.Closing date for entries is 11th July,Anyone can enter all you need to do is leave you name and blog or email and which colour you would prefer in the comments box bellow.Good Luck to those already entered!
                                    Here's Speedy Playing with his red one!


  1. Those are BEAUTIFUL, Speedy!!! My fave is the pink one...kind of my signature color you know.
    I think we already entered, but just in case's our info again. : )

    xo, Katie

  2. Hi, Speedy! You are very handsome with that color.

    I sure would like to win but am new here, and probably older friends should win - so I just wanted to say hi! I am about to put your handsomeness on my blog right now!

  3. Here's where your pic is, Sir Speedy!

  4. Hi Speedy! Well I do think Miss April would look good in the bright pink scarf! So if I win, that is the one she would like, although *I* shall wear it lol! She already ate the face off my toy dog, Tiger.

    1. We are pleased to accept Miss April's entry into the pink scarf prize draw.xoxo

  5. Dear Speedy,
    Oh! Oh! Those are beauteous! Me would LOVES to enter! Me thinks me would look just stunning in the white one! It would go with my beauteous furs! Which is very similar to yours!

    1. Don't worry Nellie you're entered mum say's.and we think you would look lovely in that one too but then you are a beauty.xoxoSpeedy


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