Wednesday 20 June 2012

Speedy's paper ball party for Mr Mick!

To day Speedy had a paper ball party for Mr Mick's birthday! There was lots of throwing of paper balls and Speedy loved catching them and tossing them up in the air.Then running around warbling Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MR MICK....Happy Birthday to you! HIP HIP HOORAY FOR MR MICK! HE'S 5 TODAY! YIPPEE! And then to top it all Speedy had a plate of all his favourite greens!

Speedy catching a paper ball!
Speedy tossing a paper ball up into the air!


  1. Yeah! Are only bunnies allowed at this party or can bunny parents come, too? It looks like so much fun! Happy Birthday Mick!

  2. Mr. Mick says paper ball parties are awesome! Thanks lots, Speedy!

  3. A paper ball party is an excellent plan. Good job there Speedy.

  4. I am an EXCELLENT maker of paper balls...(tossing to Speedy across the Pond)
    Happy BDay, Mick!

  5. So bun-derful to see you enjoying a party in Mr Mick's honour - beautiful bunny ! ~Yollie

  6. You really know how to throw a party, Speedy! Mick's a lucky guy!

  7. Speedy should come over here and play for the Seattle Mariners basesball team. He would be the star!


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